Airplane noise is up

Linda Gyulai writes in the Gazette about how airplane noise is up, not just from airport traffic but from smaller craft doing sightseeing loops over parts of town. Living in Villeray, I’m under a flight path and well aware of the return of airport traffic, but not so much subjected to the tourist stuff, which I think mostly circulates over Mount Royal.

The big planes are a pain, sometimes enforcing the suspension of a conversation while they pass over, but in summertime it’s more the power tools that wear me down. Right now someone’s using a grinder nearby, and there’s seldom a day that isn’t marred by somebody running a saw or a grinder or some other noisy device. Some are not even necessary, like the guys who come and use huge leaf blowers on the frontage of the subsidized housing across the street. Leaf blowers, in July. I have to close the window.