Updates from January, 2019 Toggle Comment Threads | Keyboard Shortcuts

  • Kate 22:08 on 2019-01-02 Permalink | Reply  

    The Gazette is promising a year-long safari through its historical photo bank.

    • denpanosekai 09:41 on 2019-01-03 Permalink

      But… they got it wrong. This is Victoria Square not Dorchester…

    • Kate 10:06 on 2019-01-03 Permalink

      Ha. Yes. In 1941 the Sun Life Building would already have been there.

  • Kate 22:03 on 2019-01-02 Permalink | Reply  

    Longshoremen at the Port of Montreal have voted overwhelmingly to give their union a strike mandate.

    • Kate 17:06 on 2019-01-02 Permalink | Reply  

      La Presse has a nice piece by a descendant of the Décarie family about the land and history of her family, now largely occupied by the MUHC superhospital.

      • Kate 12:22 on 2019-01-02 Permalink | Reply  

        As you may notice I’m experimenting with putting Google ads on the site, hoping to at least make it pay for its own hosting. At the moment, they’re a little bit all over the place and I apologize for the disruption. I’ll have them under better control shortly.

        • carswell 15:44 on 2019-01-02 Permalink

          Have you considered adding a tip jar, Kate? I block ads — among other things, animations of any sort make pages unreadable for me — and have stopped frequenting sites that insist I allow them in order to view content. I’d like to continue visiting and supporting MCW with a clean conscience.

          Alternatively, could would-be contributors simply e-transfer you a donation?

        • Vazken 15:52 on 2019-01-02 Permalink

          thanks for the heads up, I’ll disable adblock for this site so you’ll hopefully make some money

        • Bill Binns 16:13 on 2019-01-02 Permalink

          I don’t mind the ads but wouldn’t mind a tip jar either. I am never offended by seeing a tip jar on any site (especially one I use as much as this one). It becomes problematic when every post by the author includes a message to “PLEASE CONSIDER SUPPORTING THE BLOG blah blah blah” which I can’t see you doing.

        • Kevin 17:32 on 2019-01-02 Permalink

          I will only point out the first ad I saw was fake: an ad saying a TV personality had quit in a huff.

        • Kate 17:49 on 2019-01-02 Permalink

          That’s useful feedback, Kevin. Thanks.

          At this point I’m very much of two minds about it. Please bear with me if I let it run for a few days just as an experiment.

        • Blork 18:46 on 2019-01-02 Permalink

          There’s also Patreon, which is sort of a tip jar but is more of a subscription, or “patron” thing.

        • Jo Walton 19:47 on 2019-01-02 Permalink

          Patreon is wonderful, I use it for poetry and I’d enthusiastically kick in a monthly amount — I strongly prefer that model to the ad model. It’s easy to set up and easy to get the money. (I am seeing flashing ads for shirts and slippers from a US site that do not ship to Canada, just FYI.)

        • GC 19:56 on 2019-01-02 Permalink

          I read most posts through my RSS reader (unless I’m commenting), so I didn’t even know about the ads. I’ll try to visit the actual site now and then, however, so you get more hits and some kickback on the ads.

        • Douglas 20:21 on 2019-01-02 Permalink

          The ads are fine. Doesn’t bother me.

        • Uatu 20:45 on 2019-01-02 Permalink

          Anything that keeps the lights on and the blog running is fine by me.

        • Jim 22:57 on 2019-01-02 Permalink

          Ads don’t bother me in anyway, as Uatu says, if it helps keeping the shop open, go ahead. The one thing that could be improved, since you’re at it, whenever clicking on an add or even a hyperlink on this blog it makes one leave the blog, instead of opening the link on another tab in the browser.

        • EmilyG 00:42 on 2019-01-03 Permalink

          Anything’s fine but popups. 🙂

        • dwgs 10:33 on 2019-01-03 Permalink

          Adding my voice to the choir, I can live with the ads but if you were to go the tip jar / Patreon route I could live with that too. Thanks for all you do.

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