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  • Kate 20:52 on 2019-01-24 Permalink | Reply  

    The newly found section of the St-Léonard cave is stable and solid, according to its discoverers, but their report suggests it’s not safe for the public to explore. A part of the cave extends under buildings, but with a minimum six meters of solid rock as a ceiling.

    • Kate 20:47 on 2019-01-24 Permalink | Reply  

      The Port of Montreal has marked its fifth record year, a flow of trade being ascribed to free trade with Europe.

      • Kate 20:46 on 2019-01-24 Permalink | Reply  

        The city’s Commission sur le développement économique et urbain et l’habitation has recommended that the Royalmount project be put on ice.

        • qatzelok 11:43 on 2019-01-25 Permalink

          Yo Carbonleo, the 1939 New York World’s Fair wants its “visionary project” back.

        • Vazken 16:56 on 2019-01-25 Permalink

          May this be tied up in litigation for years, everyone sues everyone else and this monstrosity never gets built!

        • Uatu 16:05 on 2019-01-26 Permalink

          The problem of access has to be solved before any approval. Especially since the site will undergo changes after a few years. Right now dying parts of the DIX30 Are under construction and that means heavy construction equipment and traffic jams. As usual all anyone sees are tax$$ and pretty architecture sketches while ignoring basic ugliness of garbage collection, food/merchandise delivery and maintenance or possible reconstruction of the site

      • Kate 13:34 on 2019-01-24 Permalink | Reply  

        Even in this weather there are people carrying out hits. TVA says Thursday’s victim is construction magnate Tony Magi and CBC says he has died. Daniel Renaud at La Presse has some of Magi’s background story as does, oddly enough, the National Post; although the NP’s accounting of various attacks on Magi, the Rizzutos and their allies mentions Ducarme Joseph, it doesn’t include the shooting death of Joseph in St-Michel in 2014.

        • Hamza 16:10 on 2019-01-24 Permalink

          This happened only a few blocks from where Nick Rizzuto Jr. was shot roughly ten years ago

        • Kate 16:47 on 2019-01-24 Permalink

          Magi and Rizzuto Jr. were colleagues at one time, too. I’m not seeing anything yet guessing who might’ve had Magi in their sights, but I’ve seen surmises that people connected to Paolo Violi have been playing a long game of revenge against the Rizzutos and their allies. However, men in that world can easily make dangerous enemies.

        • Ryan 01:27 on 2019-01-25 Permalink

          Who’s left?

        • Kate 07:52 on 2019-01-25 Permalink

          Plenty of people, Ryan, both those who’ve been enemies of the Rizzuto faction for years and some who were business partners and allies until the Rizzuto clan was weakened by Vito’s death. There’s bound to be more about it on Friday – see my later post.

      • Kate 12:59 on 2019-01-24 Permalink | Reply  

        Urbania on what happens when bulldozers move faster than city hall – in this case, in Mile Ex.

        • Kate 12:48 on 2019-01-24 Permalink | Reply  

          Valérie Plante is hoping to renegotiate the financial arrangement between the city and the province to get more sources of funding for Montreal’s needs.

          • Kate 12:41 on 2019-01-24 Permalink | Reply  

            Landlords in Petite-Patrie have been caught sending bogus apartment repossession letters to tenants, attempting to reclaim dozens of flats for the same fictional relative.

            • Kate 12:38 on 2019-01-24 Permalink | Reply  

              CBC radio is saying that all public schools are closed Thursday because of the icy weather. There are various lists of the schools and commissions concerned.

              CTV adds that some bus routes are also affected again Thursday. Urgences-Santé is staying busy.

              Why weren’t sidewalks plowed Wednesday night? Why was there no gravel or salt around on Thursday morning?

              CBC says here that “An STM bus slid into a wall on Iberville Street near the corner of St-Joseph Boulevard.” What’s more worrying, going by the photo, is that it slid right up onto the sidewalk. Luckily nobody was walking past at the time.

              Some streets are actually closed because of huge lakes of trapped water. Some blue collar work is slowed down because workers’ kids are out of school.

              • Jack 12:06 on 2019-01-24 Permalink

                I am at McGill all alone, why is the University open?

              • Joey 14:59 on 2019-01-24 Permalink

                I saw some sidewalks being plowed last night. Not sure that the layer of freezing rain would be more or less treacherous on the sidewalks that were plowed vs those that weren’t…

              • EmilyG 15:58 on 2019-01-24 Permalink

                Late last night my friend and I were walking down a sidewalk that had been cleared, but was solid ice, and a sidewalk on another street, which hadn’t been cleared and was covered in snow. The snow-covered sidewalk was much easier and safer to walk on.

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