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  • Kate 12:49 on 2019-01-18 Permalink | Reply  

    TVA cites a greedy landlord representative today who says:
    1. Tenants should not get any reductions from the CAQ cut in school taxes
    2. Rents in Quebec should rise 37% – an average of $437 – to equal other Canadian towns
    3. The Régie du logement should be gutted and turned into an instrument of the landlord organization, which will unilaterally dictate increases.

    In fact, the Régie has posted modest increase outlines assuming a sort of universal cost‑of‑living hike of 0.5% plus an average tax bump, the example given being from $800 up to $810. No mention of the decrease in school tax.

    • Bill Binns 13:00 on 2019-01-18 Permalink

      I’m sure if we asked FRAPRU what should be done about the housing situation, we would get similarly ridiculous and unworkable suggestions.

      The whole “greedy landlords are raking it in hand over fist” trope is undercut by the fact that, in Montreal, they all seem to be doing everything in their power to get out of that business. You don’t eat a goose that lays golden eggs.

    • Blork 14:29 on 2019-01-18 Permalink

      I’m not sure which is worse; this crackpot landlord and his nutty ideas, or TVA deeming it necessary to put him on the news, as if he represents anything other than crackpottery.

    • Blork 14:30 on 2019-01-18 Permalink

      @Bill Binns, one could make the argument that landlords are trying to get out of the landlordery business BECAUSE they don’t get the crazy wishes that this greedy guy is asking for.

    • Bill Binns 15:27 on 2019-01-18 Permalink

      @Blork – I don’t know anyone in this business here so can’t say for sure. I do know that I am paying almost $700 bucks a month in property taxes for my 1000 sq ft home + school taxes. I am also about to drop 25k+ on a simple porch replacement that I assumed would be around 5k. The thought of problems like foundation repair or a new roof keep me up at night. I really can’t see how anyone can make any sort of regular profit renting apartments for less than $1000 a month and that’s assuming you actually get your $1000 a month.

      Best case scenario, the margins are really tight. Worst case, you end up with a tenant that refuses to pay anything at all and it takes over a year to pry them out. We wouldn’t allow someone to walk out of the IGA once a month with $1000 worth of food because “they need it” but we have chosen landlords to be the one business that is compelled to give their product away for free with no recourse whatsoever. It’s a weird business that appears extremely risky.

    • Blork 16:21 on 2019-01-18 Permalink

      Hey, I’m not arguing with you. I get that landlording is tough. A few times in the past I toyed with the idea of doing the classic “buy a triplex, live in one, rent two” thing but I’m glad I didn’t.

      That worked well in the past when there was less at stake (triplexes were cheaper, rent was cheaper, renos were cheaper, etc.) and I know of a number of people who did really well doing that (all people who bought in the 80s). But not now. No way.

    • Blork 16:33 on 2019-01-18 Permalink

      …and a few that bought in the 90s.

    • dwgs 16:53 on 2019-01-18 Permalink

      We bought a duplex in the late 90’s, rented the upper for one year and had such a nightmare experience that as soon as we could get the tenants out ( who still owe us a large amount of money) we converted it to a uniplex and have never regretted it.

    • Raymond Lutz 17:14 on 2019-01-18 Permalink

      @Bill Binns, your “(…) undercut by the fact that, in Montreal, they all seem to (…)” is weak. “fact” et “seem” forment un oxymore.

      Rent control is a litmus test. Are you drinking the Chicago boys Kool Aid or Marx and Ricardo’s ? What about facts? and metrics? A quick search (with the relevant keywords to dig through the Fraser Institute et al. bullshit) gave me those few links.

    • Raymond Lutz 17:21 on 2019-01-18 Permalink

      Here’s a snippet (from Peter Dorman’s “The Infamous Example of Rent Control in Introductory Economics”):

      “The most compelling argument for rent control is neighborhood stabilization, the idea that social capital in an urban environment requires stable residence patterns. If prices are volatile, and this leads to a lot of residential turnover, the result can be a less desirable neighborhood for everyone. … not a single textbook treatment of rent control mentions stabilization as an objective, even though this is a standard element in the real-world rhetoric surrounding this issue.”

    • Kevin 19:04 on 2019-01-18 Permalink

      @Bill Binns
      I thought you lived in the Village?
      Because that tax rate is insane. It is more than twice what I pay in NDG.

    • JaneyB 11:43 on 2019-01-19 Permalink

      @Bill Binns
      That is indeed a very insane tax rate. A nice two-storey detached house from the 60s or 70s with yard etc has taxes of about 3-4k.

    • Ephraim 12:13 on 2019-01-19 Permalink

      City tax rates are highest in the parts of the city where the land is expensive. So you can have a shanty on a plot of land in the Plateau and still be paying about $4K in taxes per year.

    • dhomas 13:10 on 2019-01-19 Permalink

      It all depends on how you frame it. I own a triplex that I live in. I wanted to live on the island but I couldn’t afford to buy a single dwelling house and condos were not interesting to me at the time. With my triplex, my rents cover a portion of my mortgage/municipal taxes. My out of pocket regular expenses (mortgage and taxes) are less than I would pay in rent for a similarly sized place. Sure, I needed to put down a 10% deposit, but that came from my RRSP as at tax free loan from myself as part of the HBP. The biggest problem was that my first two tenants were problematic (one drug dealer and one delinquent payer), but once I found good tenants I’ve been doing ok. There are occasional repairs, but I’m pretty handy so I take care of those. But the main takeaway is that my mortgage is less than I’d pay in rent and I gain equity as my property increases in value.

    • Jonathan 21:12 on 2019-01-21 Permalink

      @ephraim, @janey @kevin… Tax rates are the same across the city. There is no difference in tax rates, the amount of muni tax paid is based on the value of the home.

      I own a triplex and rent out two of the units. The rent combined covers over half of the mortgage payments and the rents are what I would consider average for the area. A lot of people around me in my age category (mid-thirties) are also happily buying triplexes and enjoying the extra revenue and the new vocation as a housing provider (the word landlord sounds too medieval to me and not exactly gender neutral).

  • Kate 07:54 on 2019-01-18 Permalink | Reply  

    The CBC notices the possibly noncoincidental timing of an investigation into the EMSB with the CAQ’s intention to abolish school boards. But it doesn’t go a step further and ask how the CSDM can be moving its 766 employees for 20 years at the cost of $100 million, as announced this week. If it’s time to abolish boards, why allow this plan to proceed?

    If the CAQ were to abruptly end all boards and dismiss all those people, who would administer education here above the individual school level? The government would still need fonctionnaires for at least some part of that work, so the CSDM must feel confident that its functions will still go on under another name – while the English boards may cease to exist.

    • Ephraim 10:11 on 2019-01-18 Permalink

      Kate, having seen some of the corruption within the school boards on a first hand basis, I’m still surprised that they exist today. Some of the school boards are well run. Some of the school boards WERE well run. The problem is that the government should have stepped in a LONG time ago. (For example, both the PSBGM and the English Catholic school boards were well run.)

      I don’t want to go into specifics about some of this, but I can tell you that the government has known about the problems at the EMSB and not stepped in for a LONG time. There was the story of the EMSB using school board money for a trip to Italy, just as an example of the abuse. And the fact that they couldn’t close a school because there was no governing board, and yet they weren’t forced to ensure that they had governing boards in each school as require by law that should have been raising a red flag.

      And the fact that the CSDM itself has not been doing proper maintenance of it’s buildings is a signal that it isn’t well run… the questions comes, where did the money it was supposed to spend on maintenance go? And where were the governing boards that were supposed to ask the hard questions?

      What I am hoping for is that they will set up a greater school board that will be above reproach. One large one for the primary and secondary school systems by language in regions (so Eastern Quebec, Western Quebec, Central Quebec, Northern Quebec, and Montreal Metropolitain) and that they will be based on those school boards that are currently in place and well run, rather than those in place and aren’t well run. But in any case, anything that the CSDM does, including signing on a contract can essentially be undone by the government in law.

    • Kevin 11:07 on 2019-01-18 Permalink

      My speculation is that all the CAQ is going to do is strip the elected commissioners from the various school boards and replace them with smaller groups of government appointees.

      While doing this they’ll probably reduce the overall number of boards too.

      **I have no special knowledge, I’m just reading the tea leaves.

  • Kate 07:47 on 2019-01-18 Permalink | Reply  

    The city’s blue collar union is internally in disarray.

    • Kate 07:39 on 2019-01-18 Permalink | Reply  

      Where not to drive on the weekend.

      Although the city had a twitter feed called MTL Circulation with 44,000 followers, they have discontinued using it because it had “no engagement” – few retweets or replies. Meantime the STM uses Twitter constantly to tell us if a metro line is down and so forth, and it works just fine – I consulted Ligne Bleue yesterday.

      Do we really have to interact enthusiastically with twitter feeds to persuade bureaucrats to keep them running? That’s ridiculous.

      • Joey 09:17 on 2019-01-18 Permalink

        This is the dumbest thing I’ve read all week:

        Peu de questions des citoyens, pratiquement pas de partages ou de « J’aime » sur les publications : le « taux d’engagement » de son compte était d’à peine 0,28 %, a constaté la Ville. « On avait plus de 43 000 abonnés, mais zéro engagement. Les gens s’abonnaient au compte, mais ne le consultaient pas », dit Philippe Sabourin, porte-parole de Montréal.

        Why would someone *like* a tweet describing a traffic detour? How do you know that “les gens… ne le consultaient pas”? There were 43K followers!

      • Kevin 11:01 on 2019-01-18 Permalink

        Most of what MTL Circulation did was retweet other traffic notices, which is a perfectly valid use of twitter.

        Worrying about an artificial metric like engagement for a public service is lame.

      • Uatu 11:04 on 2019-01-18 Permalink

        I guess it’s easier just to use Waze. “Lack of engagement” sounds like an excuse. If they wanted replies, I would’ve given it. Although it would’ve been along the lines of ” you incompetent fukcs! Wtf is this sh_t?!!!”

    • Kate 07:29 on 2019-01-18 Permalink | Reply  

      Quebec knows it has to rebuild the Met sometime soon, but plans another elevated highway.

      • Ephraim 10:17 on 2019-01-18 Permalink

        Could we even manage to build the section between the two 15s underground? Do we even have the ability to build something so big underground and not have it flood? That section is the only section of the highway that is really a mess. It essentially becomes both the 15 and the 40 at the same time and yet doesn’t expand at all, squeezing the traffic essentially by 50%. Also, why do we have/need service roads? So we can race the highway next to the highway? It definitely needs a lot of rethinking.

      • dwgs 10:51 on 2019-01-18 Permalink

        You need service roads so you can safely access and exit the highway. You can’t have cars coming from sidestreets making a full stop, then turning into 70 km/h highway traffic. Also, you can’t safely exit a highway by slowing down enough to turn off directly onto a city street.

      • Faiz Imam 11:06 on 2019-01-18 Permalink

        Making sections of the highway underground would be a huge deal. It would be a great way to beautify and and developable land to a central artery of the city.

        Even as an elevated highway, there are ways to greatly improve from the status quo. It means more cost thoigh.

        But we’ve never been shy to spend money on highways, so it might happen.

      • Ephraim 11:51 on 2019-01-18 Permalink

        @dwgs – Outside of Quebec, you don’t have service roads. Look at the I-95 in Florida, the 401 in Toronto, the I-5 in Los Angeles.

      • mare 12:24 on 2019-01-18 Permalink

        @Epraim Those places have much more room, are less dense and have a more regular grid. Both sides of the 40 have been build up. I’ve never seen service roads in Europe either, there you have exits and (real) entrance ramps but they’re not combined and mostly are 3/4 circles, which has the added benefit to lower the speed. There are also further apart and they’re fed by the normal street grid. If you’d do that here that would make nearby parallel streets like Jarry and Jean-Talon much busier, and to the North there aren’t many roads in the grid because of all the obstacles like the 15, the train tracks, the STM lot, sport fields, etc.

        I’d love to have the Met in a trench or tunnel, and without service roads but that will be extremely expensive and almost impossible to make without massive interruptions. Think Turcot times 10.

        Starting with extending the Decarie to Laval to meet the northern section of the 15 as originally planned would help a lot, but that would mean expropriation of a lot of terrain and buildings. No way politicians would risk reelection by doing that.

        But if they wait 30 years the problem will probably sort itself out when few people can drive anymore because of peak oil and the effects of climate change.

      • Ephraim 13:36 on 2019-01-18 Permalink

        @mare – Make some of the service roads into the entrances and exits. Where was the 15 originally supposed to go? The only place I could even see it going now is down Marcel Laurin (Laurentian boulevard) and then over on Henri Bourassa.

        In the world of dreams, might be nice to finish the 640 with a bridge at OKA and connect to the 30 and a second ring road around Montreal to the North, so those trucks on the 40 could skip around Montreal on that side (and then put in a hefty toll into Montreal for trucks that want to use the 40.

      • mare 14:22 on 2019-01-18 Permalink

        More or less that yeah, according to Wikipedia https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_unbuilt_autoroutes_of_Quebec#Autoroute_15

        But [citation needed], although I read about it elsewhere.

      • Kevin 19:17 on 2019-01-18 Permalink

        I’d argue the 401 has service roads. It is 16 lanes across in some parts.

        Fracking and electric cars have killed peak oil.
        Speculators have been talking about $200 a barrel oil for a decade and it’s still nowhere near a reality.
        The idea ofpleak oil done has lead to investments in alternatives.

      • qatzelok 11:18 on 2019-01-20 Permalink

        Good idea to keep it elevated for when all the flooding starts…

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