Updates from January, 2019 Toggle Comment Threads | Keyboard Shortcuts

  • Kate 20:58 on 2019-01-17 Permalink | Reply  

    TVA has a brief interview with Valérie Plante with responses on several unsettled issues; she continues to apologize for the incident in which she addressed a gathering in English.

    • Kate 20:56 on 2019-01-17 Permalink | Reply  

      An underground explosion in a Hydro-Quebec installation early Thursday afternoon caused a power failure in parts of Rosemont and halted the blue line till after 4.

      Via reddit, video of the explosions on Bélanger.

      Update: A fire in a generator used to heat an old folks’ home hit by the power outage meant evacuation of the residents to a sports arena in the neighbourhood, where they kept warm practising penalty shots. Well, not the last bit, maybe.

      • walkerp 23:05 on 2019-01-17 Permalink

        I felt very sympathetic for those people coming home to no heat. Scary!

    • Kate 12:47 on 2019-01-17 Permalink | Reply  

      An older woman was beaten on adapted transit in November, and questions are being asked about safety.

      • Bill Binns 11:57 on 2019-01-18 Permalink

        A grim story. Sounds like a sweet little old lady was tossed into the back of a van with a psychotic lunatic. I again wonder what the 2 billion we are spending on elevators for the Metro could have done for the adapted transit service.

      • Chris 23:56 on 2019-01-18 Permalink

        Bill, there’s no either or there. We could spend 2 billion on elevators and another billion on adapted transit. For example by spending less on automobile infrastructure (ex Turcot).

      • Kate 12:10 on 2019-01-20 Permalink

        When CBC first had this story, while I naturally felt sorry for the woman, it seems to me all the anglo media in particular have been running stories for awhile on lack of services for the mentally handicapped. Had this story gone a slightly different way it would’ve been about how deplorable it was that the young man had been denied transport services.

        A big change in educational philosophy since I was a kid is that students with quite serious mental deficits and problems are mixed into regular classrooms, often with a full-time attendant, and even so sometimes they’re quite disruptive. Even noting this opens me to criticism for not being sufficiently sympathetic to the problems of the mentally handicapped: it’s a hot-button issue to many people. Whether this arrangement is good for average to smart students in the class is seldom addressed, just as whether it was wise to put a 92‑year‑old woman in the back of a car alongside a young man with a record of unpredictable aggression.

        In retrospect, it wasn’t. In advance, it was the only thing they could do. He had the right to be there.

    • Kate 09:51 on 2019-01-17 Permalink | Reply  

      The Gazette says Hydro-Quebec has ceded 1.5 hectares of land for a commemorative park on Bridge Street near the Black Rock.

      • Kate 09:48 on 2019-01-17 Permalink | Reply  

        Some are very much for Royalmount, some are against it. They debated it at city hall Wednesday.

        • Kate 09:46 on 2019-01-17 Permalink | Reply  

          The city’s giving over $1.3 million for the first two of its street rejuvenation plans, these being for St-Paul east of the Main, and a northern segment of Pie-IX.

          • DeWolf 13:11 on 2019-01-17 Permalink

            The St-Paul one is a long time coming. For one of Montreal’s prettiest streets it’s a pretty miserable pedestrian experience because of the overly narrow sidewalks east of St-Laurent.

          • DeWolf 13:12 on 2019-01-17 Permalink

            Oh no – got my directions confused. I meant *west* of St-Laurent, which is of course not covered by this funding.

          • Kate 13:52 on 2019-01-17 Permalink

            St-Paul West is a pedestrian street in summertime. East was a minor scandal a couple of years back, when there was excavation outside Bonsecours church, leaving a big black patch of asphalt among the cobblestones. I haven’t been to see what it’s like now. There was talk then of faux cobbles while proper repairs were sorted out.

          • dmdiem 15:56 on 2019-01-17 Permalink

            I live on saint paul west. Its not pedestrianized in the summer. Saint paul east is, starting at saint laurent.

            They might as well pedestrianize it though. The crowds are big enough that they can’t fit on the side walks and constantly spill all over the road.

          • Kate 17:31 on 2019-01-17 Permalink

            Thanks for the correction!

        • Kate 09:12 on 2019-01-17 Permalink | Reply  

          There have been six deaths here from drug overdoses over the last two months.

          • Kate 09:01 on 2019-01-17 Permalink | Reply  

            The new police chief is sweeping like a new broom through the force.

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