Rosemont tries again with cute signs
Someone in Rosemont borough thinks cute signs are a way to focus peer pressure. Last year it was signs meant to focus public disgust on carelessly disposed garbage – a reader even sent in a picture from the same campaign; this year it’s a flower sign meant to get mess makers to feel bad.
EmilyG 16:27 on 2019-07-27 Permalink
I currently live in Rosemont. One trash item I wish I’d see less of in my neighbourhood are bags of dog poo.
dwgs 07:49 on 2019-07-28 Permalink
EmilyG I have two dogs and it drives me spare when I see the bags of poo that people have picked up, entombed in plastic, then left behind as though that makes it ok. If they left it in its’ natural state at least it would be better. And yes, I bag mine (in biodegradable plastic) and dispose of it properly.
mare 15:58 on 2019-07-28 Permalink
@dwgs and @EmilyG I my park people toss bagged dog poop in spots where there used to be waste bins in the past five years, but where they have been suddenly removed. No bins at any entrance of the park anymore, which are traditional dog poop areas. They probably consider it an act of defiance. Fortunately the biodegradable poo bags don’t fall apart very fast (or at all) because apparently *someone* picks them up, when there’s a small pile of them.
The borough either removed the bins to promote recycling, since there are a couple double bins near the skatepark, or the garbage crew decided to make their life easier. (My personal annoyance is that they drive their very wide trucks over the narrow paths with one wheel on the asphalt and the other in the mud where there used to grow grass. )
One of my dogs doesn’t poop and pee on sidewalks, and almost all the carrees d’arbre have been converted into flower beds. So when we reach the park she really has to go. I carry my bags to the bins near the baseball stands, that have somehow survived the culling.
dwgs 17:56 on 2019-07-28 Permalink
mare, is that the Fletcher’s Field park by chance? It used to be my park 20 odd years ago and at one point the city removed a couple of crucial garbage cans so people started hanging the bags on the fence for the tennis courts. I was there when one of the park employees approached one of the dog people to ask What the Hell? When we explained why he laughed and had the cans replaced the next day, it was actually a good moment.
mare 19:03 on 2019-07-28 Permalink
@dws No it’s parc Père Marquette in Petite – Patrie
Isn 19:56 on 2019-07-28 Permalink
Hanging a bag of dog shit on a fence because you can’t hold on to it for another couple of blocks is the height of uncivil laziness.
dwgs 07:40 on 2019-07-29 Permalink
No Ian, they were all hung on the fence right beside where the garbage cans used to be. It was a planned action because people knew it would get attention and it did. The garbage can was replaced within a few days of it’s removal and everyone went back to being good citizens.