A man was shot in Montreal North Thursday evening, little further detail being available as I post.
Updates from January, 2020 Toggle Comment Threads | Keyboard Shortcuts
I think I missed picking this up when it first ran in February 2018: Urbania interviews a snow removal worker.
The blog isn’t going anywhere, but I’m going to be doing some cosmetic updates and other tinkering over the next day or two. So if you get an unusual-looking result, this is why. Won’t be long.
Any chance we’ll see https?
It wasn’t on my shopping list. Should it be?
Absolutely! Your webhost should be able to provide this service for a nominal fee. Alternatively it’s relatively easy to install Let’s Encrypt on a web server.
Mark Côté
Indeed, it’s recommended to use HTTPS everywhere for a few different reasons. See for example https://developers.google.com/web/fundamentals/security/encrypt-in-transit/why-https.
How thoughtful of Google to promote the privacy of web users…
If you just have a blog and all you require from your users is to enter an email address to post a comment, you probably don’t need HTTPS for security reasons. Without all of the debate over what could happen, adding https in this context would be like locking the windows while leaving the doors open. There are bigger things to worry about.
marco, what would you suggest comes before https for a blog like this?
Worry about form input and server access.
Obviously, it would be bad if I can do this:alert(“Hi Kate”);
or… “Hi Kate, there was a security breach on your server. Please log in to http://mysite.com with your credentials to confirm that you are you.”
The stuff you link to could also be an issue but my point was really that https is always a good thing but you are a blog, not a bank. There is also no harm in researching https and why it is a good thing.
Have the ads gone? Will you do a patreon or similar?
ant6n, the ads have not gone. They have paid for the server over the last year, and a little more, but they’re not really cooking since I don’t concentrate on turning the blog into an SEO powerhouse.
I don’t like how they look, but I also looked at several sites with Patreon set up, and my problem with that idea is this:
Most outfits that offer Patreon are free, but offer special additional extras to patrons. Canadaland, for example, does muckraking journalism of various kinds and a podcast, but patrons get access to additional podcasts every week, and they offer swag to people who sign on.
I’m not currently in a position to generate an additional portion of content for patrons. It’s just me doing this blog, always has been, I work full time, can’t afford to pay someone else to help, have no interest in making a podcast and don’t have time to expand on quasi-journalistic endeavours.
It wouldn’t be hard for me to design shirts and other junk but honestly, who really wants a shirt or a lapel pin, and I don’t have a lot of time to visit printers and haul things to the post office.
So I don’t see where I could take the blog to make it fit for that format. Am I missing something?
If you wanted to go the swag route there are lots of print on demand places that take care of all the shipping and legwork for you. If you don’t think that’s a good fit for this project that’s another story.
That said I am sure that several of your regulars might be willing to drop a few bucks on a patreon just for the hell of it, worth a try anyhow – not like it costs you anything to leave it up in the sidebar.
Glad to her you are at least covering server costs with ads. Your work here is much appreciated.
I don’t think extra swag is necessary, either. Trying to move content into the walled garden of these platforms is probably central to the business strategies of the likes of Patreon, but it can just be used as an ongoing micro-payment tool (some ppl offer ‘sponsorships’ i.e. ads on their website, e.g. this guy: https://www.patreon.com/andrewrk)
Longtime institution Thursday’s on Crescent has abruptly shut down, putting a staff of about a hundred out of a job. As TVA notes, this is not the first time the resto-bar has closed, mentioning 2012 as its previous closure, but I’ve never so much as set foot in there, so I don’t remember when it reopened.
The Gazette is ending the Through Our Eyes series, saying it was too laborious.
I predict that there will not be a printed Montreal Gazette by this time next year.
Gazette is already all ads and almost no local content and rest of the paper is just National Post “lite” aka the party organ of the CPC.Kate
Maybe, but they have a huge bank of historical data there they can use for free. Turn a couple of interns loose on it, it’s not rocket science – there’s no reason for it to be time‑limited.
Snow removal operations will begin Thursday.
It’s a super slow news day here. I miss the alligator.
Chris 11:00 on 2020-01-03 Permalink
What was 2019’s final homicide vs pedestrian score? I see we’re back at 0 / 0 now.
Kate 11:25 on 2020-01-03 Permalink
If you scroll a little way down the sidebar you’ll see the 2019 one, which I’ll keep up for a little while. I’m pretty certain on the homicide numbers, but media varied a little on the pedestrian numbers toward the end of the year, so 2019 may be updated with final numbers sometime.
Max 12:42 on 2020-01-04 Permalink
The Gazoo ran a nice summary of the year in violent death the other day.
It’s good to realize that unless you’re undergoing a breakup or involved with criminal shits your chances of getting offed in this town are essentially zero.
Kate 13:27 on 2020-01-04 Permalink
Thanks, Max. That is a good listing of the year’s homicides.