Updates from January, 2020 Toggle Comment Threads | Keyboard Shortcuts

  • Kate 21:53 on 2020-01-16 Permalink | Reply  

    A brand new co-op apartment building is being planned for the corner of St-Jacques and Mountain Street.

    • Kate 21:50 on 2020-01-16 Permalink | Reply  

      There’s been a Salvation Army store on Notre-Dame near Guy since I can remember, but now a new owner is closing it down to make room for condos and offices.

      • Tim F 06:42 on 2020-01-17 Permalink

        Is that still Griffintown? I always thought of it as being in Little Burgundy…

      • Kate 10:08 on 2020-01-17 Permalink

        Google maps indicates that Notre-Dame is the boundary there, things on the south side being Griffintown and on the north side, Little Burgundy. The Sally Ann is on the south side, but it’s a fine distinction.

      • Ian 23:32 on 2020-01-17 Permalink

        Sad to hear it, I made lots of great finds there as a student. Of course that was over 20 years ago…
        I didn’t realize the G and Little B were divided down Notre Dame – is the westernmost boundary still charlevoix?

      • Kate 10:58 on 2020-01-18 Permalink

        Ian, if you go on Google maps and click on the neighbourhood names, it fills the corresponding area in. I don’t know where they get borders for traditional neighbourhoods that may never have had official designations, but at a glance, Google thinks Atwater is the boundary between St-Henri and Little Burgundy. Charlevoix is not a boundary street on the Google map.

        I’m now clicking on this map and there’s a section that’s east of Guy and south of St-Antoine that isn’t included in Griffintown but isn’t part of any other ‘hood either. So it’s not perfect.

        At least it defines the Old Port correctly!

    • Kate 09:13 on 2020-01-16 Permalink | Reply  

      Aéroports de Montréal has a survey up about airplane noise, although the recent hike in complaints seems to be due more to a new app making it effortless.

      • Kate 08:58 on 2020-01-16 Permalink | Reply  

        Here are a few weekend driving notes well in advance.

        Update: Whatever notes were there on Thursday they’ve been changed because harsh weather is expected on the weekend.

        • Kate 08:52 on 2020-01-16 Permalink | Reply  

          Last August, a passerby died after a freak accident near the construction work on Plaza St-Hubert. A flying stone chip hit him in the head and he died two days later. Now the CNESST report reveals the site was not properly secured, the worker using a diamond saw had no training on using the tool, the work was being done by a subcontractor of a subcontractor and the middleman is washing his hands of the business.

          • Kate 08:44 on 2020-01-16 Permalink | Reply  

            Two businesses were shot at near midnight Wednesday night. Uncle Pete’s Café in Little Italy had customers inside but no one was hurt. The door of a recording studio in Ahuntsic was also shot up. Indications are that police are not certain whether the two incidents are related.

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