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  • Kate 22:53 on 2020-01-25 Permalink | Reply  

    A man was stabbed downtown Saturday afternoon, presumably near Complexe Desjardins, although the writer of this CBC story was mixed up, because if you’re at Ste-Catherine and St‑Urbain you are not on Ste-Catherine Street East.

    TVA confirms the attack took place inside the mall, currently the site of Chinese new year festivities.

    • Kate 22:48 on 2020-01-25 Permalink | Reply  

      With a nod to the Gazette’s recent coverage, Urbania visits what it calls a village gaulois – St‑Laurent’s pocket trailer park.

      • Kate 10:40 on 2020-01-25 Permalink | Reply  

        When the cruise ship pier was renovated in 2017, $11 million was spent on an electrical charging station so that ships shouldn’t need to keep generators running while in harbour. But only one ship has ever used it. Seems most cruise companies are not in a hurry to adopt technologies that reduce emissions.

        • Max 16:23 on 2020-01-26 Permalink

          I suppose it’s a matter of establishing a critical mass of shore power infrastructure. As long as most ports don’t have it on offer, ship operators won’t be willing to install and haul around the (expensive and heavy) transformers and switchgear and whatnot needed to make use of it.

      • Kate 10:34 on 2020-01-25 Permalink | Reply  

        Mega Bloks has been a big employer in St-Laurent, so much so that it’s marked on the STM map as a destination. But not for much longer. Mattel, the parent company, plans to lay off nearly 600 people as production is moved to Mexico and China. None of them are unionized.

        • Ian 17:45 on 2020-01-25 Permalink

          Mega Bloks got over 50 million from the QC government to upgrade their main factory and sold it to Mattel within the year. Now all those jobs are leaving QC. I have seen this same thing time and again in many industries – there needs to be a moratorium on selling or closing within a certain period of time if there is a sizeable government investment. This is straight up robbing the public, a classic business grift that needs to be stopped.

        • Chris 12:26 on 2020-01-26 Permalink

          Robbing the public? No, it’s straight up government giving our money away. It’s corporate welfare that needs to stop.

      • Kate 10:32 on 2020-01-25 Permalink | Reply  

        It’s not an empty threat: the company operating our recycling centres is pulling out and the city may have to bridge things itself while it seeks other possibilities. There’s a promise that none of the collected material will go to landfill, but Quebec is being called on for help.

        • Kate 09:54 on 2020-01-25 Permalink | Reply  

          Reports on two calèche horses that have been retired to a rescue farm in Vaudreuil.

          • PO 11:15 on 2020-01-25 Permalink

            “He retired to a farm in Vaudreuil” is what you can tell kids when the family dog dies.

        • Kate 09:38 on 2020-01-25 Permalink | Reply  

          Another restaurant has had its lock glued shut and received a message about serving foie gras. Something similar happened at the restaurant Manitoba earlier this month.

          • Chris 14:56 on 2020-01-26 Permalink

            Foie gras is pretty evil. I think in a few generations we’ll look back at eating it with incredulity. The kind of thing you don’t want to confess to your grandchildren.

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