No tunnel to replace Île-aix-Tourtes bridge
Is the Journal trying to stoke a regional scrap here with a piece on how Quebec City is getting a tunnel (the multi-billion-dollar 3ième lien, by no means universally popular up in Quebec – see video) but the province is not willing to pay for a tunnel to replace the Île-aux-Tourtes bridge?
I wasn’t even aware the idea of a tunnel to Vaudreuil was in play. I’m sure commuters in that area would be happier with a reliable bridge than waiting several years for a vastly expensive tunnel to materialize.
Update, of a sort: I was struck by this commentary from a Journal de Québec writer who says bluntly that the CAQ are prepared to spend $10 billion on the Lévis tunnel to clinch their position in ten ridings in the Quebec City area.