Protests downtown Saturday
Seeing what looks like a demo downtown Saturday on the Peel and Ste-Catherine traffic cam. The STM tweets that several bus routes are detoured because of manifestations en cours.
I see tweets about a public sector union protest but the Palestine demo might also be included.
Update: people marched from the Israeli consulate in Westmount Square to the U.S. consulate at Ste-Catherine and Peel and then down to Dorchester Square. The demo was declared illegal and dispersed.
Nick D. 09:23 on 2021-05-23 Permalink
The US Consulate is in that modern tower on St Alexander, a little above René Levesque. Or it used to be.
Kate 09:51 on 2021-05-23 Permalink
U.S. consulate is listed at 1134 Ste-Catherine St West.
DeWolf 10:15 on 2021-05-23 Permalink
Yes, the consulate is now in the Royal Bank building at Ste-Catherine/Stanley, which is why all the parking on that corner has been replaced by heavy concrete planters (to prevent a camion-bélier attack).
Kate 10:20 on 2021-05-23 Permalink
DeWolf, and yet you never see anyone kvetching about losing those parking spaces!
On the most recent Streetview shot, November 2020, there’s also a police van.
I seem to recall the frontage of that building, including the bank machine, was renovated a couple of years ago and it seemed to take an awfully long time. Maybe it’s been reinforced also in some way.