City confronts heat wave
I know this is probably not officially a heat wave yet (“three or more consecutive days when the maximum temperature is 32°C or more” – Environment Canada) but it’s hot out. La Presse talks to people doing a few different kinds of work about how they’re coping. Radio-Canada reminds us of the hazards to older people living at home, often without air conditioning.
Joey 09:39 on 2021-06-08 Permalink
Jarry pool is opening early – too bad other boroughs can’t react as quickly as Villeray/etc. Seems that we have heat waves every May/June nowadays (and well into September)… climate change is indeed real. Perhaps our bureaucrats should reconsider what constitutes the “summer season” for things like pools, splash pads, etc. If they opened all pools on a restricted schedule – 3pm on during weekdays and fully on weekends – and we wound up with “normal” temperatures, would it be so terrible?
Kate 11:14 on 2021-06-08 Permalink
It always seems to be a question of the lifeguards or other city attendants being young students who may not be available because of school obligations. Of course they could always pay adults…
Joey 11:19 on 2021-06-08 Permalink
So that has always seemed like a red herring to me (the fact that Jarry is opening today is some solid evidence, no?). Other seasonal businesses that rely on student-aged labour don’t wait until July to open and they don’t close in late August. CEGEP and university students especially have very flexible schedule, even at exam time; it shouldn’t be impossible to staff a pool for late afternoons and early evenings.
jeather 11:37 on 2021-06-08 Permalink
My understanding is that lifeguarding pays quite well from the city (and is not full of high school students), and splash pads don’t have them anyhow.
Kate 14:08 on 2021-06-08 Permalink
splash pads don’t have them anyhow.
No, but they must have some kind of maintenance crew that goes around and washes off any algae and repairs broken nozzles and so on?
There’s one near me. I’m tempted to go stand under it today.
Joey 17:19 on 2021-06-08 Permalink
Splash pads have been open for a few weeks. They can turn them on and off pretty easily and the maintenance is probably negligible.