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  • Kate 20:06 on 2022-12-24 Permalink | Reply  

    The Journal apparently has four pages of encomium Saturday marking the 25th anniversary of the death of Pierre Péladeau. He loved Quebec culture, championed Quebec independence and left a great legacy. I was made aware of these pieces by Don MacPherson’s tweet: “Jews ‘take up too much space’ in Quebec: Pierre Péladeau, quoted in L’actualité, 1990.”

    • Kate 19:36 on 2022-12-24 Permalink | Reply  

      A paper in Annals of Internal Medicine tells how Montreal’s public health managed the monkeypox outbreak earlier this year and kept it from spreading.

      • Kate 19:33 on 2022-12-24 Permalink | Reply  

        This is the 98th anniversary of the cross on Mount Royal, which was lit for the first time on Christmas Eve in 1924. Not everyone loves it, but according to this piece, we could have had a statue of the Virgin Mary twice as tall as the cross.

        • Ephraim 00:27 on 2022-12-25 Permalink

          add an m to one side and an l to the other and it will no longer be religious 🙂

        • Janet 10:51 on 2022-12-25 Permalink

          Merry Christmas everyone. Hope you’re safe, healthy and warm.,

        • Tee Owe 12:15 on 2022-12-25 Permalink

          Same from me as from Janet – thanks Kate for the blog and thanks everyone for valuable inputs. Have a great holiday and see you in the New Year

        • Tim S. 13:32 on 2022-12-25 Permalink

          Yes, Merry Christmas Kate and best wishes to all.

        • Kate 14:40 on 2022-12-25 Permalink

          Thank you, Janet, Tee Owe and Tim S.

      • Kate 13:17 on 2022-12-24 Permalink | Reply  

        A Via Rail train from Montreal to Toronto took more than 15 hours overnight because of power outages along the route and snow blockages. The Journal makes it 18 hours.

        • Kate 10:56 on 2022-12-24 Permalink | Reply  

          STORM WATCH

          Thousands are without electricity in Quebec following the storm, although Montreal has mostly been spared.

          The Journal has some photos of storm damage as does CBC.

          Update: CBC reports on highway woes.

          Another update: CTV summarizes the troubles with trains, planes and automobiles and even river ferries. There are still power outages as of Saturday evening.

          • Kate 10:53 on 2022-12-24 Permalink | Reply  

            A taxi driver parked in Cartierville was stabbed multiple times early Saturday. The alleged assailant was tracked down shortly afterwards by police with dogs. The victim survived. Cops say theft was not the motive, but suggest no other explanation.

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