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  • Kate 21:35 on 2022-12-29 Permalink | Reply  

    As many as 9000 patients may have received false negative HIV results when recalled tests were used in three MUHC hospitals.

    • Kate 19:06 on 2022-12-29 Permalink | Reply  

      Patrick Lagacé talked to Maxime Canuel, the high school art teacher stabbed a year ago by one of his students and, with his agreement, brought him together with the surgeon who saved his life that day.

      Canuel hasn’t been able to teach since then. The unnamed minor assailant is serving two years in juvie.

      • Kate 18:11 on 2022-12-29 Permalink | Reply  

        The man killed at Bordeaux Jail on Saturday should have been freed the day before, but for some reason he was kept locked up and treated to an “intervention physique” that killed him.

        At least 132 people have died in Quebec provincial prisons since April 2017, only 43 from natural causes.

      • Kate 11:26 on 2022-12-29 Permalink | Reply  

        Shooting incidents were down in 2022, compared to last year, with 186 incidents vs 206 in 2021. It’s not a significant drop, but police are taking credit for having locked up more of the kind of people who use firearms.

        Opioid overdoses have also dropped since 2021.

        • Kate 11:21 on 2022-12-29 Permalink | Reply  

          When Greyhound pulled out of Canada in 2021 it left a lot of people with no easy intercity transit. Now there are new bus services but they mostly do big cities: you can get from Montreal to Toronto or Ottawa, but nowhere in between.

          Deregulating is a worship word for neoliberals, but sometimes the government has to step in and say “if you want to run a bus service between Montreal and Ottawa, you have to stop at Rigaud and Hawkesbury at least some of the time.”

          • jeather 13:15 on 2022-12-29 Permalink

            Of course, this is what we had for Quebec, once — intercity transit was insanely expensive (Montreal-Toronto much cheaper than Montreal-Quebec City) but small towns had transit, as bigger routes subsidised them. Then they cut off the small town requirements but — somehow! — the other routes still stayed just as expensive.

          • dhomas 13:50 on 2022-12-29 Permalink

            It will only get worse as they privatize rail service, too. I read up on this a while ago, but nobody is really talking about it:

          • Tim 11:20 on 2022-12-30 Permalink

            Nobody is talking about it @dhomas because they are trying to gloss over the fact that it is “high frequency” rather than high speed, the proposed route involves a milk run to Ottawa and the travel time only goes down 75 minutes (5 hours to 3 hours and 45 minutes). It’s a terrible project that should not see the light of day.


          • dhomas 17:12 on 2022-12-30 Permalink

            I completely agree. It’s terrible. And it will bring about the end of Via Rail, I think. The “private partner” will end up making the smaller town trips expensive and/or unsustainable. We should be making a stink about it. Make Via Rail better. Don’t replace it with something that will make things worse for everyone but the people running it.

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