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  • Kate 21:06 on 2024-11-19 Permalink | Reply  

    The eviction of the camp along Notre‑Dame East has been deferred after the Clinique juridique itinérante made the case that it wasn’t urgent and that no warm day shelters would be available for homeless people before December. It was supposed to be dismantled this Thursday.

    • Kate 17:05 on 2024-11-19 Permalink  

      Dawson College is closing on Thursday so students can hold a strike in solidarity with Gaza.

      A reader emails me to point out that “Dawson is not closing so students can protest (they originally planned to hold classes as normal) but because of safety fears” and that this is an important distinction. Thank you, reader.

      In tangentially related news, a peace tree planted at McGill during an Indigenous ceremony on Sunday, held in solidarity with the people of Gaza, was removed by the university on Tuesday, saying permission had not been granted. The tree was a white pine, the species depicted on the city flag.

      • Kate 17:04 on 2024-11-19 Permalink | Reply  

        There have been two more arrests in the killing of crypto influencer Kevin Mirshahi after he was kidnapped in June.

        • Kate 15:21 on 2024-11-19 Permalink | Reply  

          The Chamber of Commerce claims that while there are fewer road cones now than two years ago, a larger extent of road is blocked off.

          • Kate 12:12 on 2024-11-19 Permalink | Reply  

            There are not enough public toilets in Montreal, according to a coalition of community groups. Believe it or not, Tuesday is World Toilet Day.

            It’s also International Men’s Day

            • Kate 12:09 on 2024-11-19 Permalink | Reply  

              City council has voted no on declaring a state of emergency on homelessness.

              • Joey 15:27 on 2024-11-19 Permalink

                There’s no emergency, which is why they keep having to urgently dismantle homeless encampments.

            • Kate 10:53 on 2024-11-19 Permalink | Reply  

              The STM plans to expropriate a duplex so it can build a new ventilation shaft for Rosemont metro station. But the owners say the money is not enough for them to buy an equivalent building in the area, so that the elderly parents and two adult daughters children can continue living in a similar pattern.

              More on this story Wednesday from CBC.

              • jeather 12:34 on 2024-11-19 Permalink

                I thought — I could be wrong — that expropriation was supposed to pay market value, and I’m curious why market value for a duplex is insufficient to buy a duplex. Is theirs in bad shape? Are they doing some other kind of payment calculation? I also am curious what the overall cost for this entire project is. The tax rolls have it as 524 800 which is also not the same as the offer (569k).

              • Kate 13:11 on 2024-11-19 Permalink

                On reddit, the top comment to a posting of this article reads “Un duplex pour moins de 600k n’existe plus dans ce quartier depuis au moins 5 ans.”

                I haven’t been shopping for property but the amount of approval this comment has received convinced me it’s true. Not so?

              • Meezly 13:28 on 2024-11-19 Permalink

                There is a petition to demand an immediate pause on the expropriation of 530-532 rue de Bellechasse, and the STM’s poste de ventilation mécanique Bellechasse project, in order to allow for an exhaustive pursuit of using one of five alternative sites to build their new structure.


                Apparently, and I’m paraphrasing from another source:
                Two weeks ago the STM distributed flyers in the neighbourhood about the 4 year ventilation project, and at the same time dropped a notice of eviction in the mailbox of the building’s residents, a multi-generational immigrant family including an elderly couple who have lived there for 41 years. They have been given until January to vacate their home so that it can be demolished and construction can begin. The STM had several other unoccupied locations they considered that would not have involved expropriation and would have entailed much less disruption as well (two of which are actually STM property already)…
                They held a ‘public consultation’ meeting shortly after delivering this news to everyone, at which they were informed that there was no possibility of reconsidering the location or any substantial aspect of the project.
                The residents have since banded together to seek an injunction and to force a review of this decision.

              • jeather 13:36 on 2024-11-19 Permalink

                Looking online suggests that this is correct — there’s one empty duplex that needs renovations for 650 (in the borough, I don’t know how nearby it is). And on the whole, the tax roll is not the actual market value, I just looked it up to see if that was the offer. Though I suppose they’d need to at least add in moving costs, so maybe it’s just 10%.

                The reddit thread suggests this is a first offer as part of a negotiation, but the La Presse article does not mention that option.

              • walkerp 14:05 on 2024-11-19 Permalink

                And not just the monetary value, but this is their home. If the SMT really needs to use that space, they should pay way above market for it to compensate for the personal value, the disruption, etc.

              • Frankie 14:46 on 2024-11-19 Permalink

                The comparables in the area are about 800,000. Add to this the monumental inconvenience of finding a similar property in the neighbourhood, paying legal fees and commissions, having to move at that age, loss of enjoyment of their neighbours, forced removal from a home that family memories, etc, etc. I say, even in its current condition, 1.1 million is fair. If they had offered a realistic amount that included compensation for pain and suffering, maybe there would not have been a need to expropriate.

              • dhomas 16:40 on 2024-11-19 Permalink

                Little nitpick, but the article seems to say that the adult children are a man and a women, not two daughters. Also, though their duplex is not in awesome shape (Google Street View shows zero exterior improvements since 2007), a duplex in Rosemont for less than 600k is laughable.

              • Kate 17:07 on 2024-11-19 Permalink

                Thank you, dhomas.

                I had assumed Trivi Ly was a woman but then later it does refer to M. Ly, which I missed.

              • JP 21:54 on 2024-11-19 Permalink

                Yeah, the STM is totally scamming them. I hope things work out for them. I live in a multi-generational home and it wouldn’t be easy to just transplant myself and my family somewhere else on such short notice (January!!!)

              • walkerp 09:33 on 2024-11-20 Permalink

                I hope all of you signed that petition that Meezly posted above. Let’s get the pressure up to stop this nonsense.

              • Ian 22:33 on 2024-11-20 Permalink

                Listening on CBC this morning they said that the family was initially offered 700k but after a building inspection the STM unilaterally lowered the offer. Insult to injury, that.

              • Meezly 10:27 on 2024-11-27 Permalink

                There’s going to be a protest against this expropriation at the time of the second part of the ‘consultation process’ on Dec 3rd at 525 Beaubien. If you want to come and express an opinion or ask a question, *you need to register in advance (before November 30th).

                People are also encouraged to just come to protest this disingenuous and inhumane process, There will be media present… https://www.facebook.com/events/1077012420571220

            • Kate 10:47 on 2024-11-19 Permalink | Reply  

              In the ongoing theme of Ensemble reflexively hating things but not proposing any useful alternatives or solutions, the party is condemning the winter closure of the Cabot Square metro entrance.

              • Kate 10:32 on 2024-11-19 Permalink | Reply  

                A plot by Iran to assassinate Irwin Cotler has allegedly been stymied by the RCMP. 24heures explains who Cotler is; he was MP for Mount Royal from 1999 to 2015 including serving as Minister of Justice and Attorney General from 2003 to 2006. He’s also a high‑profile champion of Israel. Wikipedia.

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