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  • Kate 19:54 on 2024-11-25 Permalink | Reply  

    Denis Coderre has to sell his house in Montreal North to raise money to pay a hefty Revenu Québec bill. He says his ex‑wife lives there.

    Given that Coderre hopes to become chief of the PLQ, it doesn’t inspire much confidence that he somehow ended up in arrears to Revenu Québec for $133,000.

    • Ephraim 10:31 on 2024-11-26 Permalink

      It’s Revenu Quebec, that could just be $1000 plus fines and interest 😀

    • Ian 20:55 on 2024-11-26 Permalink

      Don’t forget handling and processing fees.

  • Kate 18:46 on 2024-11-25 Permalink | Reply  

    The mayor says the damage caused during the anti‑NATO demonstration on Friday happened because the demonstration was taken over by professional vandals, people who turn out for demonstrations for the sheer joy of smashing things up.

    As he inevitably would, Poilievre says the riot is evidence that Canada is “broken” and it was all Trudeau’s fault.

    • steph 19:42 on 2024-11-25 Permalink

      Anti-free trade demonstrations are capitalism demonstrations. This late stage capitalism is only doing a few rich people favours. It’s reasonable to think our economic structures abuse and exploit people. Shame on the politicians and the media that prefer to not bat an eye at that real damage, while crying foul over a little broken property.
      The koolaid has done a good rot on our brains.

    • Kate 22:21 on 2024-11-25 Permalink

      Police have actually said that the car fires were probably not set by demonstrators.

    • jeather 09:06 on 2024-11-26 Permalink

      They admitted it because, it seems, journalists noticed that the car fire was probably started by what I believe translates as a tear gas grenade of a type often used by police.

      Reddit post with a screenshot of the text if you cannot read twitter (I will call it that forever).

    • Ephraim 10:43 on 2024-11-26 Permalink

      If “professional vandal” the new term for a Matryoshka Troll or Pomegranate Bitter Seedlings? Because they (along with NK) are the only ones who really want an end to NATO. If NATO had admitted the Ukrainians, to the alliance, there would be no war in Europe at the moment.

  • Kate 16:12 on 2024-11-25 Permalink | Reply  

    Next year will at least rival this year in terms of construction work on water mains and sewers.

    • Kate 16:07 on 2024-11-25 Permalink | Reply  

      A shipping container full of teddy bears has run aground in Boucherville after falling off a ship or dock in the port. The soggy bears have to be removed soon as a hazard to shipping and before they freeze into an intractable lump.

      • Ephraim 10:48 on 2024-11-26 Permalink

        If you sail out on the river today,

        You’d better not go alone.

        It’s lovely out on the waves today,

        But safer to stay at home.

        For every bear that ever there was

        Is bobbing there for certain, because

        Today’s the day the teddy bears have their shipwreck!

      • Kate 11:38 on 2024-11-26 Permalink

        Trying to get into the 2026 calendar, Ephraim? : )

      • Tee Owe 12:21 on 2024-11-26 Permalink

        Ephraim, that’s brilliant! You would get my vote for the 2026 calendar (if I had a vote)

      • Ephraim 21:14 on 2024-11-26 Permalink

        The song came to my mind the minute I read the blurb… sorry!

      • Janet 01:46 on 2024-11-27 Permalink

        Love it, Ephraim!

    • Kate 12:56 on 2024-11-25 Permalink | Reply  

      Administrative detail here: the search box is back in the sidebar, at top.

      Apologies if anyone has been getting 503 errors, we’re trying to figure out what’s causing it, but apparently it is not the search box.

      Kudos to MarcG, tech bro par excellence.

      • MarcG 16:04 on 2024-11-25 Permalink

        I reject that title emphatically. Current theory: Posting to Bluesky attracted a ton of new bot attention, including one that pointlessly crashes servers. I blocked a bunch of IPs and it seems to have stopped.

      • Kate 12:20 on 2024-11-26 Permalink

        Kudos to MarcG, a gentleman and a scholar.

    • Kate 10:19 on 2024-11-25 Permalink | Reply  

      Two big clinics, one for downtown and one for TMR, are almost ready to open but have been halted because of unpaid invoices. And this private clinic network is not the only one in difficulty. Private medicine is better managed? Private medicine is going to save us? Doesn’t sound like it.

      • Kate 09:48 on 2024-11-25 Permalink | Reply  

        A report from the SAAQ confirms something that was mentioned here on the blog earlier this month: there’s a surge in traffic accidents between 5 and 8 pm in the weeks following the autumn clock change – and pedestrians take the brunt of it.

        • Joey 10:47 on 2024-11-25 Permalink

          Maybe the debate over DST vs ST obscures the only valid answer, which is that the commuting day should probably be shorter in winter and longer in summer. We’re stuck with a model that says all workdays should be of equivalent length throughout the year, when we lack the requisite sunlight hours to make commuting safe for the winter months. Obviously nobody is going to mandate their employees work short days in the winter and the idea of spending all those extra sunny summer hours at work is even more of a non-starter; I imagine if you asked a culturally unaware AI to solve the DST/ST problem, this is the kind of solution it would offer. Us mere mortals will have to content ourselves debating whether morning pedestrians or afternoon pedestrians should carry the extra risk.

        • Kate 11:04 on 2024-11-25 Permalink

          The problem is the lurch into darkness when the clock changes. We would normally adjust gradually as the days get shorter, but that sudden jump is disorienting.

        • Jim Strankinga 12:24 on 2024-11-25 Permalink

          Let’s adjust naturally to the seasons and focus on bigger challenges instead.

        • Joey 15:55 on 2024-11-25 Permalink

          You could also imagine a gradual adjustment – say 15 minutes a weekend for the month of November, which would be a godsend for parents of infants and toddlers who can’t be reasoned with to adjust their strict sleep schedules – but that would never really work in practice.

        • JaneyB 17:01 on 2024-11-25 Permalink

          Pedestrians should protect themselves with some reflective tape in the Fall. After the time change and before the lightening snowfall, visibility is just not great. I myself wear a reflective band around my ankle. When I drive, I wish people were more visible, especially since the government is doing nothing about the new, blinding headlamps on cars.

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