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  • Kate 21:34 on 2018-03-05 Permalink | Reply  

    The New York Times writer who covers Montreal loses my credence right away by citing those awful statues on Place d’Armes as a “powerful metaphor” for the language division in this city and proceeds to trot out a bunch of other predictable truisms from Hugh MacLennan’s hijacking of Rilke’s “two solitudes” metaphor* to the Berlin Wall. Why not yin and yang while you’re at it?

    Dan Bilefsky lives “on” Plateau Mont-Royal and he recounts totally seriously that Xavier Dolan’s mother was told to “speak white” – an expression never heard by anyone in real life here, as far as I can make out, as discussed earlier on the blog. (I had older relatives who would have bragged about saying that – if anyone ever said it, which I don’t believe they did.†)

    And of course the imperishable cliché that “Historically, Francophones lived to the east of St. Laurent while Anglophones lived to the west” which is demonstrably not true – otherwise, how was it that my father went to an English-language school in Hochelaga? I’ve also spent time trawling through documents like the Lovell directories and various old voting lists from 1850 to 1980, give or take, and there are French, English, Irish, Scots names all over the map. St-Henri was always majority French-speaking during that period, too, well west of the Main, even if the Point and Griffintown were not.

    Foo, I say.

    *”Love consists in this, that two solitudes protect and touch and greet each other.”
    † Michèle Lalonde wrote a poem with the title. It would be difficult to definitively prove it was not an expression in common use before that, since it would have been part of the spoken language, not the written.

    • Kate 20:22 on 2018-03-05 Permalink | Reply  

      Plateau borough plans to ban any new back alley parking conversions with a view toward more greenery instead.

      • Kate 20:12 on 2018-03-05 Permalink | Reply  

        As often happens this time of year, a photo feature looks back at March 4, 1971, the fabled “storm of the century.”

        • Kate 19:58 on 2018-03-05 Permalink | Reply  

          There are 400 electric car recharging stations around town and they’re gradually being used more and more. Now there’s a plan to upgrade the speed of the chargers.

          There’s one of these things on the corner of my street. Do people pay to charge their car up?

          In other electric car news, a new taxi company is planning to import electric cars from China.

          • Kate 07:02 on 2018-03-05 Permalink | Reply  

            A Journal writer tells us why she hates Nuit blanche but despite the chaos the police blotter is fairly quiet. Sunday, a man was found very nearly drowned in a swimming pool in an apartment building overlooking Lafontaine Park, and three men were questioned after a non-fatal stabbing on la Gauchetière later that day. Once again, I find it reassuring we live in a big city where things like these are the two top stories of the weekend.

            • Kate 06:54 on 2018-03-05 Permalink | Reply  

              Sud-Ouest borough has put out fifteen smart trashcans that use solar power to compress the trash inside and can send a signal indicating when they’re full.

              • Kate 06:41 on 2018-03-05 Permalink | Reply  

                Blade Runner 2049 has picked up Oscars for best visual effects and best cinematography with the visual effects statue going to the Montreal Framestore.

                • Kate 06:28 on 2018-03-05 Permalink | Reply  

                  Metro stoppages hit a record high in 2017. CBC’s crowing a little here on getting the story, but La Presse already noted the trend in November.

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