Updates from April, 2018 Toggle Comment Threads | Keyboard Shortcuts

  • Kate 20:45 on 2018-04-30 Permalink | Reply  

    Trudeau Airport is to get a new terminal by 2030.

    • Kate 10:34 on 2018-04-30 Permalink | Reply  

      Support groups for the homeless have split over priorities.

      • Kate 09:46 on 2018-04-30 Permalink | Reply  

        Transit fares will be going up on July 1, with monthly STM passes going from $83 to $85 and other passes also going up, but single tickets staying at $3.25.

        • Kate 06:14 on 2018-04-30 Permalink | Reply  

          The Journal reports on a bad weekend for train riders as REM construction begins to disrupt the schedule.

          • Kate 06:11 on 2018-04-30 Permalink | Reply  

            Feminists are organizing to fight an anti-abortion group that gathers at clinics and tries to humiliate its clients with shouting and prayers. I used to work in a space on St-Joseph overlooking Lahaie Park where a group gathers with banners, chanting and singing and carrying on, because the building next door has a clinic. Those feminists can’t work fast enough to move these obsessives along.

            • Kate 06:07 on 2018-04-30 Permalink | Reply  

              The Journal is trying to make a scandal out of how the city is removing and selling old furniture from the Édifice Lucien-Saulnier – the old courthouse – before refitting it to serve as a temporary city hall, before the real work starts on renovating city hall itself.

              • Kate 06:01 on 2018-04-30 Permalink | Reply  

                We expect a warmish but wet week, with risk of flooding in low-lying areas.

                • Kate 06:00 on 2018-04-30 Permalink | Reply  

                  Recently Metro had a piece on car theft around the airport which was taken down, but a similar report has been posted Monday. So, cars get stolen around the airport.

                  • Kate 18:59 on 2018-04-29 Permalink | Reply  

                    The Journal’s Lise Ravary wrote a piece Thursday under the scare headline Abus de fillettes à la CSDM. The school commission had rented some space to a Muslim group for a ceremony for girls in which they celebrate beginning to wear the hijab – a classic coming-of-age type thing.

                    But Ravary’s ploy paid off, and the CSDM cancelled the rental. At the same time, a similar ceremony in Laval was cancelled after knowledge of it was circulated on far-right Facebook groups and the venue shut it down.

                    Interestingly, if you look up Lise Ravary, you find out she was born in Hochelaga-Maisonneuve and educated by the nuns – religious women in headscarves – and I bet she wore a veil herself for first communion and other rituals – but she seems to think she turned out OK. As a spokeswoman for the Muslim group is quoted by CBC: “It’s like when you baptize a child. It’s a beautiful ceremony, but you don’t say the child will be forced to do something for the rest of their life.”

                    • Kate 14:27 on 2018-04-29 Permalink | Reply  

                      Saw a link on Facebook to this biography of Joe Beef on the Canadian Atheist website.

                      • Kate 09:31 on 2018-04-29 Permalink | Reply  

                        Projet Montréal is holding its first party convention this weekend since winning, and Valérie Plante is talking about repositioning the party and thinking ahead to the 2021 election.

                        Update: Good account on Metro about Plante’s priorities in terms of the upcoming Quebec election this fall: develop the east end of the island, offer better access to the shoreline, have more schools and better integration of new arrivals. Monday morning, La Presse also covers this angle.

                        • Kate 09:20 on 2018-04-29 Permalink | Reply  

                          The Centre d’histoire piece this weekend looks at the grand reopening of Warshaw’s in 1964 after the construction of a new building in the space where the store had operated since 1935. Warshaw’s closed in 2002 and there’s been a Pharmaprix there ever since.

                          • Kate 10:23 on 2018-04-28 Permalink | Reply  

                            A reader once asked me to make note of items on ice cream places, and although it’s a bit early in the season I see the Journal already has an “ultimate bucket list” of a dozen crèmeries. (Alert to OLF: shouldn’t that be “liste de seau”?)

                            • Kate 09:48 on 2018-04-28 Permalink | Reply  

                              Transcontinental has sold 30 publications including the free paper Metro to businessman Michael Raffoul. Twenty-one of these are local weeklies from the Montreal area – in some cases titles that have been in existence for years, like Corriere Italiano. No layoffs or shutdowns, for the moment.

                              • Kate 09:43 on 2018-04-28 Permalink | Reply  

                                The city is cleaning up the inevitable post-winter mess and there are cleanup corvées around town this weekend and next. Brief report from CTV and in the Journal.

                                Metro talked to Corey Fleischer, whose crusade is to obliterate hate graffiti in and around town.

                                For my part, last week I went out in the alley and swept up a winter’s worth of semi fermented botanical scrap from the vines that have grown out over the overhanging cables since a neighbour planted some kind of creeper a few years ago that produces small blue berries inedible by people. Birds like them, though: I’ve seen a pair of cardinals having a nosh up there from time to time. It didn’t take long and now my segment of the alley is clean and dry – kids play out there, neighbours meet to walk their dogs, chat over the back fence. It’s a nice little corner of town.

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