The Globe and Mail has a piece with more and bigger images of the proposed new MAC.
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Faiz Imam linked this twitter thread in a comment below, but I’m bringing it up to the top here because it’s worth seeing: Steve Faguy’s list of the repeated political announcements of money for the blue line extension, an unfulfilled promise made every few years since 1985.
Update: With Steve’s permission I’ve turned his twitter thread into a permanent timeline page linked to my sidebar.
Another point about the extension: hasn’t excavation and tunneling technology advanced at all since the 1960s? Shouldn’t digging five stations be faster and more efficient now than it was between 1962 and 1967, when 26 stations were built and opened?
There have been nearly 400 reports of coyotes in town – the city says that doesn’t mean 400 animals, but repeated reports of a small number – but they’ve bitten people and their dogs, so the city’s under pressure to be seen doing something about them, i.e. kill them.
Meanwhile the airport is coping with birds on the tarmac. Tsk, nature! Can’t live with it, have to kill it.
Now there’s a coyote hotline, which seems like a natural prompt for a brief comedy routine.