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  • Kate 18:59 on 2018-04-29 Permalink | Reply  

    The Journal’s Lise Ravary wrote a piece Thursday under the scare headline Abus de fillettes à la CSDM. The school commission had rented some space to a Muslim group for a ceremony for girls in which they celebrate beginning to wear the hijab – a classic coming-of-age type thing.

    But Ravary’s ploy paid off, and the CSDM cancelled the rental. At the same time, a similar ceremony in Laval was cancelled after knowledge of it was circulated on far-right Facebook groups and the venue shut it down.

    Interestingly, if you look up Lise Ravary, you find out she was born in Hochelaga-Maisonneuve and educated by the nuns – religious women in headscarves – and I bet she wore a veil herself for first communion and other rituals – but she seems to think she turned out OK. As a spokeswoman for the Muslim group is quoted by CBC: “It’s like when you baptize a child. It’s a beautiful ceremony, but you don’t say the child will be forced to do something for the rest of their life.”

    • Kate 14:27 on 2018-04-29 Permalink | Reply  

      Saw a link on Facebook to this biography of Joe Beef on the Canadian Atheist website.

      • Kate 09:31 on 2018-04-29 Permalink | Reply  

        Projet Montréal is holding its first party convention this weekend since winning, and Valérie Plante is talking about repositioning the party and thinking ahead to the 2021 election.

        Update: Good account on Metro about Plante’s priorities in terms of the upcoming Quebec election this fall: develop the east end of the island, offer better access to the shoreline, have more schools and better integration of new arrivals. Monday morning, La Presse also covers this angle.

        • Kate 09:20 on 2018-04-29 Permalink | Reply  

          The Centre d’histoire piece this weekend looks at the grand reopening of Warshaw’s in 1964 after the construction of a new building in the space where the store had operated since 1935. Warshaw’s closed in 2002 and there’s been a Pharmaprix there ever since.

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