Mario Girard asks the question who Montreal belongs to apropos of the new documentary Main basse sur la ville to be shown soon at the Cinéma du Parc.
Updates from March, 2018 Toggle Comment Threads | Keyboard Shortcuts
The city has contracted with a firm of experts to trap coyotes and move them off-island (or are they “going to live on a farm somewhere”?) but the SPCA says it’s futile as more coyotes will replace them.
There’s money for the blue line extension in the Quebec government’s final budget before the election this fall. Valérie Plante sees signs of optimism in the tendencies of the budget.
Metro alleges there’s evidence that councillors have been warned not to criticize the REM.
Bishop Street merchants are mad as hell that they’re being dunned for business development fees by the Destination Centre-Ville SDC, which has done nothing to help them weather the 3.5‑year dig that’s devastated them.
A babysitter who left a little kid in a burning building last summer has pleaded guilty to several charges. It was also her own negligence in the kitchen that started the fire; TVA alleges she had been smoking crack.
The Biodome has to find temporary digs for its denizens for the duration of an 18-month renovation starting after Easter weekend and expected to cost $25 million.
Later: notes in Metro on some of the changes coming at the ‘dome.
A man was shot overnight in lower NDG; he survived, but there have been no arrests.