Riverdale High to be moved to French board
Riverdale High in Pierrefonds is to be taken from the Lester B. Pearson board and operated by the Commission scolaire Marguerite-Bourgeoys, and its students dispersed to other schools. Only the anglo media seem to think this story worth their time. It seems obvious that with more students obliged to attend French school that more buildings will be needed for education in French.
Kevin 22:43 on 2019-01-28 Permalink
There are other options than seizing assets.
After all, the school is already leasing space to the MB board.
Kate 07:48 on 2019-01-29 Permalink
Is it really seizing assets? The boards don’t own the schools the way a person owns a house. The schools belong to the public, via the government, no? So the government can switch things up if it sees fit.
Kevin 08:53 on 2019-01-29 Permalink
Fine, call it an eviction then, with the CAQ as landlord.
There are many other options especially for a government that supposedly wants to abolish school boards.
Ephraim 09:12 on 2019-01-29 Permalink
The landlord is the Government of Quebec. The management is the ministry of education and the senior management is the minister, who is a member of CAQ. (Buildings are still owned by the School Board and it’s a questionable ownership, especially since often cities have to give them land to build them, etc.)
The important point here isn’t the transfer, which is normal, it’s the fact that they are using section 477.1.1 of the Education Act rather than going through the regular process (which includes the governing board). Generally the ministry has not gone this route.
Kate 09:53 on 2019-01-29 Permalink
CAQ is signalling it doesn’t give a shit for governing boards, but that isn’t exactly news.
SMD 10:47 on 2019-01-29 Permalink
It is in Le Devoir today, headline « Québec va trop vite, déplorent les anglophones. »