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  • Kate 20:46 on 2019-09-08 Permalink | Reply  

    Greta Thunberg plans to come to Montreal for the climate strike on September 27.

    I hope you’ve all cleared your calendars?

    • JaneyB 08:04 on 2019-09-09 Permalink

      Fantastic news. I think some of the big unions are planning to join as well. I hope so; students cannot do everything alone. I wonder how long it will take before CAQ and voters in the regions join the movement. There is already all-party support for cap-and-trade etc. I feel it’s coming. Let’s hope so!

    • Brett 21:26 on 2019-09-09 Permalink

      Is her tour bus solar powered?

  • Kate 09:18 on 2019-09-08 Permalink | Reply  

    You might think it safe to arrange to sell your old phone on a Saturday afternoon in public, near a metro station in a well frequented part of town, but it turned out badly for a guy who attempted this near Jarry metro on Saturday.

    • Daniel 10:50 on 2019-09-08 Permalink

      Yikes! I certainly *would* have thought that, yes. That said — and not wishing to minimize the crime and the victim’s injuries and trauma — I do feel fortunate to live in a place where (a) this is news and (b) it results in streets being closed off and the police dog being called out.

    • Kate 12:14 on 2019-09-08 Permalink

      I know! And they caught a suspect, too (giving away the end of the story).

    • Blork 12:39 on 2019-09-08 Permalink

      Didn’t a similar thing happen just a week or two ago, where a guy was selling his phone to someone outside of Jarry Metro and the buyer slashed the seller’s throat with a knife and then ran off with the phone? (Seller survived, but I saw a photo of the cut and it was very nasty.)

    • mare 13:29 on 2019-09-08 Permalink

      Yeah, IPhones are basically unsellable, because you need the original owner’s AppleID to erase them. But before a sale the owner has removed that restriction so you’re vulnerable for theft.
      And those $1000+ iPhones apparently have enough value, even fenced, to use a lot of violence. I’m also happy that this is news and a big thing for TEH police.

    • Kate 14:53 on 2019-09-08 Permalink

      Blork, I hadn’t seen or blogged that, and the only source I can find is from 98,5 radio but yes, a young man had his neck slashed on Jarry on August 28, during a similar-sounding phone sale and only a step from where this more recent incident happened.

    • Blork 15:19 on 2019-09-08 Permalink

    • Jonathan 16:31 on 2019-09-08 Permalink

      Yes a similar crime happened just a few steps from my house on the 28th of August. The blood stayed there on the road for days.

      I didn’t think it was life threatening because the guy and the ambulance were there on the street for a while before it took off to the hospital.

    • Kate 12:17 on 2019-09-09 Permalink

      Let’s hope it was the same guy and the cops have rounded him up.

  • Kate 09:13 on 2019-09-08 Permalink | Reply  

    The Journal de Montréal has adopted Bianca Andreescu, noting how her success will spill over into next year’s Rogers Cup, which will be taking its turn for women’s tennis here.

    • dwgs 19:52 on 2019-09-08 Permalink

      But but…she’s the child of immigrants!

  • Kate 08:21 on 2019-09-08 Permalink | Reply  

    Fairmount Bagel held a street party Saturday to celebrate its centenary. I am shocked – shocked! – that sesame are more popular than poppy seed, which are so clearly the supreme form of the bagel.

    • Tim F 09:08 on 2019-09-08 Permalink

      Wow. I wish I knew about this yesterday.
      Also, hard disagree. I enjoy the odd poppy, but sesame is where it’s at.

    • Kate 09:19 on 2019-09-08 Permalink

      I didn’t know about it till it was reported in retrospect.

      Thing about sesame is the surface is a little softer because of the oil from the seeds. Poppy seeds don’t have any oil to leak, so the surface is crisper and more delicate.

    • Michael Black 09:34 on 2019-09-08 Permalink

      I saw something ahead of time, assumed it got good travel before the fact. Sorry.

      I’ve never had poppy seeds, always sesame, going back to 1975 when we got bagels at St. Viateur going somewhere.

      Though since on if the bagel grandchildren admits it, I like the cinammon, but can’t remember if they have raisins or if that’s a separate bagel.

      Other than that time in 1975, I think I’ve always gone to Fairmount, though that was helped because I knew someone near there thirty years ago so Fairmount was most convenient.

      I admit to making bagels once, about that time. I can’t remember how they turned out.


    • jeather 12:40 on 2019-09-08 Permalink

      Kate, I can’t believe how wrong you are.

      Also just looking inside one should make sesame being the (deservedly) dominant form obvious, they are always pulling out fresh sesame. My grandfather used to wait for fresh poppy.

    • Blork 12:42 on 2019-09-08 Permalink

      I too prefer the crisper texture of poppy bagels (“black” to old-schoolers). Plus, if you eat about 40 of them you get the tiniest opium buzz.

    • jeather 13:03 on 2019-09-08 Permalink

      I always call them white seed. The employees still understand.

    • dwgs 19:59 on 2019-09-08 Permalink

      Always happy to have a fresh sesame bagel but poppyseed is obviously superior. Jeather, I’m sure that Johnny Walker Red outsells MacAllan 25 by a wide margin but that does not make it a better whisky.

    • CE 20:06 on 2019-09-08 Permalink

      I’ve always preferred the poppy seed bagels over sesame but since they’re so much less popular, it’s very rare to get them fresh. If I’m buying a bunch to take home and freeze, I usually get the all dressed.

    • Vazken 02:08 on 2019-09-09 Permalink

      I too am a poppy seed fan, the texture is better and reminds me of summer school when I was a kid.

      However, I always get a dozen of what’s hot so it’s always sesame 🙁

    • jeather 08:04 on 2019-09-09 Permalink

      Sometimes you need to make a price/quality tradeoff, but not with sesame vs poppy bagels.

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