Three of the four westbound lanes of the A-720 opened Monday, and the Lucien-L’Allier and Fort Street accesses are now open.
Not being a driver, I’m curious: were there four lanes in each direction before?
Three of the four westbound lanes of the A-720 opened Monday, and the Lucien-L’Allier and Fort Street accesses are now open.
Not being a driver, I’m curious: were there four lanes in each direction before?
Some more open-and-closed stuff for Thanksgiving.
Daphnée Hacker-B. says in the Journal that road contractors are destroying old cobblestones that they find while redoing roads. But she says here that those old blue-gray cobbles are made of granite, which is not so. I went on an archaeology tour a few summers back where they told us the blue “stones” are made of slag from iron foundries. Here’s an example from another place showing blue iron slag cobbles just like ours. So the “stones” aren’t really stone, although whether they’re worth preserving is another matter.
According to this account, a young guy got off a bus and then, while crossing the street in front of the bus, a passing taxi knocked him down. I was interested mostly in the coda: “La scène a été protégée une partie de la matinée dans l’attente du bilan de la victime, mais en raison de son probable rétablissement, la scène a été levée et l’avenue a été rouverte.”
So, if the guy had died, the scene would be treated as a crime scene, but since he’s expected to recover, they reopened the road to regular traffic. I didn’t quite realize accident scene analysis was tied in quite that way to whether people lived or died.
Motorists have an absolute God-given right to use all roads all the time. How dare you consider inconveniencing them and slowing them down! 😉
The city’s construction boom is hard on the homeless, removing the empty lots and squattable buildings that used to be all over the place, and chasing them from the downtown core. And now rents are higher than ever, so it’s harder to get off the street.
In another theme on those without a permanent address, CBC looks at how Elections Canada is trying to ensure that the homeless can vote.
Blork 18:04 on 2019-10-14 Permalink
There’s no easy answer to that because the number of lanes changes constantly as lanes merge in and out. For example, when you emerge from the tunnel, it’s three lanes, but there’s a lane off to the right, higher up, that merges at around the level of Georges Vanier, so at that point there are four lanes.
Street View from 2012:
A bit farther on (Atwater) another lane zooms in from the right, making five lanes. As it goes along, lanes peel on and off, so it’s always changing.
Max 19:43 on 2019-10-14 Permalink
Great news.
Does anybody know how the demise of the Rose de Lima on-ramp will affect the buses westbound from Oscar-Peterson? Atwater southbound to the Bonaventure to the 20 seems the way to go but I don’t think that on-ramp is ready yet. Are the buses gonna go up Atwater and over to Fort in the interim? I’ve seen enough of St. Patrick to last me a lifetime.
And yes, Oscar-Peterson. It’s common usage in my corner of town. Why not yours too?
mare 00:30 on 2019-10-15 Permalink
I thought the 720 was renamed into Route 136 because the tunnel is too narrow to be a real Autoroute? Or was that an April Fools joke?
MarcG 09:40 on 2019-10-15 Permalink
@Max Are you talking about Lionel-Groulx? I support the renaming. I think you mean the 15 when you say Bonaventure.
Mr.Chinaski 09:48 on 2019-10-15 Permalink
IIRC, the buses will go west on St-Antoine, then Pullman, and will enter the interstate after that.
(see here : )
dwgs 10:47 on 2019-10-15 Permalink
Interstate would be an American translation of autoroute. Canadian English would use ‘highway’, ‘expressway’, or ‘freeway’. 🙂
Max 11:08 on 2019-10-15 Permalink
Thanks, Mr. Chinaski. Keeping them off the highway until after the interchange makes sense, I guess.
And you’re right, MarcG: I have a bad habit of conflating the two highways.