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  • Kate 18:35 on 2019-10-22 Permalink | Reply  

    Nicholas Fontanelli received a 17-year sentence Tuesday in the second-degree murder of his partner Samantha Higgins. The Gazette’s Jesse Feith has a fairly long piece on the victim, her killer and their backgrounds, plus excerpts from impact statements in court.

    • Kate 18:28 on 2019-10-22 Permalink | Reply  

      The Quebec appeals court has confirmed the stay of proceedings against Sivaloganathan Thanabalasingham, accused of murdering his wife here in 2012. After an initial stay based on the Jordan ruling, Thanabalasingham quickly left Canada for his native Sri Lanka, and the judges have written off any chance of getting him back to Canada to put him on trial.

      • Kate 13:01 on 2019-10-22 Permalink | Reply  

        The Victoria Bridge will be closed Tuesday night for inspection; Greene Avenue was reopened under the Turcot Tuesday morning, and Glen Road will be reopened Wednesday.

        • jeather 14:45 on 2019-10-22 Permalink

          Guess even Westmount didn’t have enough pull to keep it closed once St-Antoine is being blocked.

      • Kate 07:56 on 2019-10-22 Permalink | Reply  

        As in 2015, Justin Trudeau showed up at Jarry metro station Tuesday morning to thank his constituents, who re-elected him in Papineau with 51.2% of the vote.

        There’s no other news this morning, so a quick look at our media:

        Montréal conserve la rouge libérale; Mario Beaulieu the only Bloc win in Montreal; some notes on Mélanie Joly and Marc Garneau; CBC and Radio-Canada share the best map, which shows a deeply divided country – not just east-west, but also urban-rural; some thoughts from Jonathan Montpetit on the Bloc’s success; winners and losers in Montreal; the Liberal stronghold in western Montreal; polling stations were super busy at times on Monday.

        Martin Patriquin in the Guardian on the doom of the far right after Monday’s result.

        As they say in the metro, d’autres messages suivront.

        • Kevin 09:43 on 2019-10-22 Permalink

          We’re back in the ’90s.
          Quebec protest voting for the Bloc. Westerners protest-voting for Reform. Massive numbers of people so fed up they don’t vote at all.

        • walkerp 10:08 on 2019-10-22 Permalink

          Voter turnout was only down slightly from the last election, from 68% to 66% a little below average.
          I don’t think it is “fed up” but people simply not engaged or not really seeing how their vote can make a difference.

        • denpanosekai 19:00 on 2019-10-22 Permalink

          I didn’t really care for the elections but still showed up for a random vote. What surprised me the most is learning that Lasalle was actually divided in two ridings! Isn’t that a bit strange?

        • Kate 19:59 on 2019-10-22 Permalink

          There’s no particular relationship between federal riding boundaries and city boroughs. Before the 2015 election there was a redistribution of ridings, so some of Lasalle ended up in Lasalle-Émard-Verdun and some in Dorval-Lachine-Lasalle, and they also added a new riding, Ville-Marie–Le Sud-Ouest–Île-des-Sœurs, to respond to population growth.

          The theory is Elections Canada adjusts the boundaries from time to time to allow for changes in population and to keep the voting populations of each riding roughly equal, so that each MP represents a similar number of voters. This kind of breaks down in large, sparsely populated areas like Nunavut, but in urban areas you can tinker with the boundaries to get close to it. Here are the numbers of electors in federal ridings for 2015.

        • Chris 20:35 on 2019-10-22 Permalink

          Kate, that map exaggerates the divisions in the country since it colours with FPTP results. ex: it shows Alberta as 100% blue when it should be 70% blue.

          That table of riding populations is cool. Lots of unfair imbalances there too.

        • Faiz Imam 00:13 on 2019-10-23 Permalink

          This “Equal-Area per Riding Map” is the best map to look at these results, its so much more insightful.


          same type of map for 2015: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/67/Canadian_Federal_Election_Cartogram_2015.svg

        • JaneyB 07:40 on 2019-10-23 Permalink

          @Faiz Imam – Wow – that’s a great map! Much better sense of how the country voted. Thx.

        • Chris 10:42 on 2019-10-23 Permalink

          That map is super cool, but still FPTP, so still exaggerates how actual *people* voted.

        • ant6n 01:16 on 2019-10-24 Permalink

          yeah, not a map of how people voted, but rather which votes were actually counted.

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