CAQ electoral rejig may reduce city’s influence
The report of an expert on voting systems says the CAQ’s Bill 39, supposed to reform voting in Quebec by introducing some aspects of proportional representation, will have as an effect (and hardly likely to be unintended) of reducing the influence of Montreal voters.
More on this Wednesday morning from Radio-Canada, who lays it out: Montreal will be losing 3 seats to other parts of Quebec. Gerrymandering in plain sight.
David100 10:10 on 2020-01-22 Permalink
Given Legault’s low level of popularity in Montreal, it’s quite remarkable to read just how popular he is provincewide. He knows what he’s doing, no doubts there.
Ian 13:44 on 2020-01-22 Permalink
Gerrymandering is nothing new, this is just part of it. If Legault could make it legal that only one vote per square kilometer was allowed, he would do it.