Updates from August, 2022 Toggle Comment Threads | Keyboard Shortcuts

  • Kate 13:40 on 2022-08-27 Permalink | Reply  

    Promises of extra millions to support policing, 450 additional cops, and some funding for social workers, have been made Saturday afternoon during the presser given by Geneviève Guilbault.

    • Kate 10:52 on 2022-08-27 Permalink | Reply  

      A fight Friday night in St‑Justin, the easternmost section of Mercier‑Hochelaga‑Maisonneuve, provoked gunshots. Although police found shell casings, no victims have turned up.

      • Kate 09:22 on 2022-08-27 Permalink | Reply  

        The Alouettes have suspended a player facing charges of child luring. Christophe Normand is accused of communicating with a person under 16 for sexual purposes. Normand has also worked as a teacher; at this point, both his career futures seem doubtful.

        • Kate 09:15 on 2022-08-27 Permalink | Reply  

          From two different angles as the campaign is set to begin: the CAQ is likely to win an overwhelming majority this time, the Gazette asks how strong is too strong? and Le Devoir asks what François Legault will do with his overwhelming dominance of the province.

          The Journal has an exhaustive listing of all the candidates in every riding.

          • Kate 08:49 on 2022-08-27 Permalink | Reply  

            Here are some driving notes for the weekend embellished with a photo of orange cones embedded in snow.

            • Kate 08:48 on 2022-08-27 Permalink | Reply  

              A news conference will be held Saturday afternoon on new measures to combat gun violence. Public Security Minister Geneviève Guilbault, Minister for Montreal Chantal Rouleau, Mayor Plante and interim police chief Sophie Roy will be there.

              I hope they’ll all have read Patrick Lagacé’s level‑headed piece about the failures that have led to an influx of firearms no one seems able to stop. That cops spend half their time coping with crises that actually need a social worker backed up with real mental health care services, that the unregretted police chief Philippe Pichet disbanded four effective anti‑gang squads in 2016 and wasted the collective knowledge they had accumulated, that the federal government has signalled they’re not very interested in pursuing gang crime, that the force is headed by an interim chief at a time of crisis – he assembles all these facts and more and hands them to us on a plate.

              • Kate 08:46 on 2022-08-27 Permalink | Reply  

                A Montreal rapper called Maky Lavender was asked to do a track for the REM, but the piece was pulled because he used some English. Did no one warn him not to do anything so offensive?

                • Robert H 10:55 on 2022-08-27 Permalink

                  S’il était important que la publicité pour le REM soit fait en français, CDPQ Infra aurait dû demander à Maky de le faire de cette façon dès le départ. En retirant sa prestation après une réaction publique, le CDPQ Infra a l’air stupide et déraisonnable. Le plus déprimant, mais prévisible : les commentaires qui suivent cet article sont une fête de Québec-Bashing. Le plus encourageant, mais surprenant : même après cet incident, Maky veut rester au Québec et aller vivre en Gaspésie comme agriculteur !

                  There are better occasions to make a stand for French.

                • Uatu 13:48 on 2022-08-27 Permalink

                  A train is a great metaphor for connection between peoples and places and ultimately ideas. You’d think that something multilingual would be thematically appropriate.

              • Kate 08:42 on 2022-08-27 Permalink | Reply  

                The only piece I saw before this about the OCPM’s report on the Lachine-Est project talked about building heights, but there’s a lot more in the report on the challenges of turning this once industrial area into a “green” residential district. The decontamination of parts of the site will cost millions.

                • Orr 11:29 on 2022-09-03 Permalink

                  A professor of mine once opined that you can never re-green an industrial site into a residential or recreational site. He’s been proven wrong time and time again, although there will always be challenges like soil decontamination, which is something I am happy they no longer ignore. Now to get the polluter to pay for it. Because *that* is the hard part.

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