We need a February stat holiday
It just occurred to me that our next statutory holiday in Quebec is April 19 – Good Friday. Easter bounces around the calendar and is late this year.
That’s an awfully long haul from New Year’s till mid-April without a long weekend. Isn’t it time Quebec offered us a regular stat holiday in February or early March?
carswell 14:29 on 2019-01-08 Permalink
“Isn’t it time Quebec offered us one in February or early March?”
Yes. Actually, I favour a major rejiggering of the statutory holidays to ensure there’s at least one per month. The stretch from Canada Day to Labour Day is also unconscionably long, especially for those of us who can’t always take a vacation in the summer.
Federal and provincial voting days should also be statutory holidays and held on Wednesday, to minimize the temptation to skip voting and take a three- or four-day weekend. Alternatively, they could be holidays but only for people who can prove they voted.
Michael Black 15:01 on 2019-01-08 Permalink
Some think tank or something pointed this out in the seventies, which is why a lot of provinces have a holiday in February, unique since it exists as a holiday, not to mark some event.
So February 18th is Louis Riel Day in Manitoba, not a lot of expectation, but it gets his name in view. Everything else is tied to an event, an expectation that you celebrate the Queen’s birthday or remember the fallen, even if that isn’t reality.
Quebec and Newfoundland are the real exceptions.
And at least some of the provinces have a day off in early August, though maybe not as many. Unless Canads decided there should be a holiday, it’s up to each province. And for sone reason, Quebec isn’t interested.
There is talk of a new “holiday” but that’s for remembering the victims of residential schools. It’s supposed to be educational, not a free day to do as you wish. Which means some wonder if it should be a day off. If kids go to school, they might learn something.
Joey 15:05 on 2019-01-08 Permalink
Swap January 2nd for Feb 15, like they do in the rest of Canada
Vazken 16:14 on 2019-01-08 Permalink
What I’ve never liked is that June 24th and July 1st are so close together in Quebec. I also agree with having 1 stat holiday per month. Maybe skip January but every month should have at least one.
Tim 18:34 on 2019-01-08 Permalink
I wouldn’t want to skip a January holiday as that would mean having to work on New Years Day if January 1 fell on a weekday. January 2 is not a stat holiday.
If I could wave a magic wand, I would make Remembrance Day a federal holiday (currently observed in all provinces except for Quebec and Ontario) and make Canada Day fall on the first Monday of July (to guarantee a long weekend).
Given that we don’t have an August holiday in Quebec, the only guaranteed long weekend of the summer is Labor Day. I feel ripped off when when St. Jean and Canada (which are always 7 days apart) fall on Tuesday – Thursday.
dhomas 19:59 on 2019-01-08 Permalink
@Joey: January 2nd is not a holiday in Quebec, though.
Tim F 21:08 on 2019-01-08 Permalink
@dhomas: many banks, government offices, large companies, and the garment industry are traditionally closed in Quebec on January 2.
dhomas 23:42 on 2019-01-08 Permalink
@Tim F: I understand that many companies are traditionally closed on January 2nd, but it is only a required day off for the garment industry: https://www.cnt.gouv.qc.ca/en/leaves-and-absences/statutory-holidays/index.html.
So, my point was that it is not a day that can be “traded” for a day of in February.