Jean-Talon dealers fear being turned out
Some of the longtime dealers at Jean-Talon market are afraid of being shown the door. They claim they were told if they didn’t obey city recommendations their leases would be cancelled. The city may take over direct control of the markets. The mess will be heard in court next week.
Jack 10:54 on 2019-09-06 Permalink
That would be awesome. The “grossistes.” are not a bunch of sympathetic oh shucks folks. They have been dragged kicking and screaming at every turn. When any vision other than having car drivers served from their vehicles has been broached they have relied on intimidation and violence to make their point. I understand one thing, these folks have made a hell of a living doing what they do. I have never seen a receipt or paper trail for any of them. I have also noticed their vehicles when they drive in, they are not poor or down trodden. They simply found a very soft structure to do what they do, which is simply to be distributers for the Marche Central.
Ian 11:25 on 2019-09-06 Permalink
Well that’s it, really. I used to work at Marché Atwater unloading trucks in the morning and half the stuff was from the same produce distributor Provigo went to, dumped into Quebec boxes before it went on the shelf.
Of course they made way more money than the honest folks, so had way less political clout in the market. I would be very, very surprised it was different at any other “farmer’s” market in the city. I saw so many scams, that was just the surface of it…
JaneyB 11:39 on 2019-09-07 Permalink
@Ian. I kinda want to know more about those scams… Atwater seems mostly a rip-off to me, produce price-wise.