What to do with the Hôtel-Dieu grounds?

The Gazette has a brief bit of video inside the grounds of Hôtel-Dieu and a statement from Benoit Dorais about the city’s ownership of the site, and its quest to find some way to make it accessible but preserve it from damage. (Dorais is not so blunt, but it’s clear that’s an issue.)

I’m afraid the only way might be to have a charge to go inside: the closest equivalent is the botanical gardens, which if anything is now too expensive for a casual visit, but at least its fences and gates protect it from vandalism.

Which reminds me – speaking of green spaces in the Plateau – does anyone know about
a) what’s happened with the other religious site, the Carmelites, up near the tracks at St-Denis? Years ago there was talk about the city pushing back against seeing it turned into a private gated community, but I’ve seen nothing about it being opened to the public in a long time
b) the green space behind Notman House? It’s well fenced, and I had a peek inside it a couple of times this summer. Since it’s protected maybe the best thing is simply to allow it to be a small block of preserved forest for cooling the area in summertime, but I’ve seen no mention of it in the media for awhile.