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  • Kate 23:11 on 2021-09-20 Permalink | Reply  

    So, another Liberal minority government, but at least it isn’t going to be Prime Minister O’Toole.

    I’ll look at any interesting Montreal riding results sometime tomorrow. They’re still counting the mail-in votes till then.

    Eight people were injured when a driver lost control of a car at a DDO polling station, Monday evening. Nobody was seriously hurt.

    • Chris 00:50 on 2021-09-21 Permalink

      And another government where the party with the most seats did not win the popular vote.

      If only some party would promise to improve our electoral system! Oh wait…

    • Kate 07:35 on 2021-09-21 Permalink

      I am happy enough that we won’t be dragged back into the past with the Conservatives.

    • EmilyG 07:42 on 2021-09-21 Permalink

      The CTV news story on the DDO incident was rather more frightening.

    • Kate 07:51 on 2021-09-21 Permalink

      TVA says nine people including a five-year-old kid were hit by this driver speeding in a school parking lot. As you say, EmilyG, the CTV version is more dramatic. The driver is being questioned by police.

    • ant6n 07:54 on 2021-09-21 Permalink

      We`ll just be dragged into an eternal status quo with the Liberals. Maintaining the status quo is actually what conservatism is.

      Unfortunate, given the imminent need for action on climate change. perhaps once we`ll miss our targets and the problems escalate, we will in fact be getting dragged into the past after all.

    • Kate 08:20 on 2021-09-21 Permalink

      ant6n, it does seem the Liberals are pretty much happy with the status quo, despite giving lip service to progressive ideals. I agree. But the Conservatives would be working to pull us back to the 20th century, if not the 19th, so on balance it’s preferable.

      Besides, I couldn’t stand the idea of this country being represented by a colourless little twat like O’Toole.

    • Jeff 08:28 on 2021-09-21 Permalink

      I have a few questions about the carbon tax Trudeau introduced a few years back. It sounded like a really good idea; tax all emissions producers by the ton. Those who emit more, pay more, whether you’re a car commuter or a factory. Did it turn out this way? Are people paying for carbon? It seems like a monumental step in the right direction for climate change, no? A rare policy that’s simple, fair, likely to affect change, and actually getting done?

    • walkerp 09:33 on 2021-09-21 Permalink

      While the Liberals are basically pro-money and status quo, I have friends who work for various science bureaucracies of the federal government and they are waaaay happier with the Liberals than the Conservatives. The Conservatives under Harper muzzled them, went after their jobs and slashed regulations around protecting the environment. The Liberals have been steadily undoing that damage.

      It may be in the end not enough in the fight against climate change, but as Kate says, the Liberals are still substantively better than the Conservatives when it comes to the environment.

    • Jeff 09:57 on 2021-09-21 Permalink

      > Liberals are still substantively better than the Conservatives

      @walkerp have you noticed that Trudeau starts reminding us of this more and more as the election approaches? I remember last time around, he was asked a question, and he was just like “what are you gonna do? vote conservative? I don’t think so” I really don’t like his “I’m your only choice” attitude.

    • ant6n 15:39 on 2021-09-21 Permalink

      Trudeau has a vested interest in the fairy tale of the two choices. I think it’s utterly cynical that he scuttled electoral reform, calls an election in the middle of the term, and then encourages people to vote Liberal strategically to save us from the scary Conservatives. I don’t understand why anybody who is aware of news would support these actions — especially in Montreal, where Conservatives won’t win a significant percentage anyway.

      Playing up the fear of Conservatives is shilling for the cynical opportunism of Trudeau.

    • Kate 18:25 on 2021-09-21 Permalink

      ant6n, conventionally minority governments never last out a full term. Either the other parties band together on a nonconfidence vote or – more often – the minority PM gets tired of being hobbled and goes for a majority. Sometimes that works, sometimes they miscalculate and get defeated, but this time Trudeau threw in the lousy letters on his Scrabble board and drew them right back out again.

    • ant6n 02:42 on 2021-09-22 Permalink

      No. This snap election didn’t happen because of minority government instability. It happened because a certain opportunistic Prime Minister smelled the chance for a majority government and called an election. It didn’t work because at least some people don’t buy the Liberal Party BS.

  • Kate 16:31 on 2021-09-20 Permalink | Reply  

    There will be another march this Saturday at Lafontaine park against the “passeport nazitaire”.

    • Kate 15:36 on 2021-09-20 Permalink | Reply  

      Although this piece says the report on the sanity of Ali Ngarukiye is in, it doesn’t tell us what it says. Ngarukiye is accused of assaulting policeman Sanjay Vig in January, but – more seriously – also of killing his cellmate at RDP prison.

      • walkerp 12:27 on 2021-09-21 Permalink

        Can we get a report on the “assault” on the police officer, please?

        So this crazy person just ran into the street and attacked officer Vig from behind while he was writing somebody a ticket? And then the cops arrest the guy he pulled over? And then they catch this other guy who then murders his cell mate? Just too much going on here without enough real info for me to believe there is not more to this story.

      • Kate 14:28 on 2021-09-21 Permalink

        walkerp, from what little has come out, it’s alleged that Ngarukiye was lunging for Vig’s gun, which – if true – would be an important element in the scene, although it doesn’t do anything to explain how the wrong man got arrested.

    • Kate 15:33 on 2021-09-20 Permalink | Reply  

      La Presse tells us how a convicted firearms trafficker is up for parole here, despite evidently being considered dangerous.

      • H. John 17:09 on 2021-09-21 Permalink

        Having completed two-thirds of his sentence, he’s eligible for statutory release.

        Here’s a bit of an explainer:


      • Kate 18:27 on 2021-09-21 Permalink

        H. John, could he be declared a dangerous offender and kept inside? Or is that not possible in this case?

        Do they sometimes statutorily release a convict and then find other charges to throw at him to keep him locked up? The final paragraph here says “Anatoliy Vdovin fait face à des accusations de harcèlement de menaces dans une autre affaire” which hints that they might be doing something like that.

        (Also, if the man is from Russia or some other eastern European state, as his name suggests he may be, could he also not be sent back? Do we still do that?)

      • H. John 18:46 on 2021-09-21 Permalink

        Kate, dangerous offender must be sought and proved during the original sentencing hearing.


        The harassment charge, I believe, involves him threatening his lawyer.

        He was not convicted of being violent. As the judge wrote he was “found guilty of numerous counts related to possession and trafficking of firearms and prohibited devices. He was also found guilty of failure to comply with conditions, to wit the possession of firearms.”

        He will be supervised during the remaining one-third of his 57 month sentence and will have to follow certain conditions. If he was kept in prison for those one-third remaining months without the opportunity to supervise his re-integration, he would still be released. He was sentenced to a fixed term.

      • H. John 18:56 on 2021-09-21 Permalink

        To your question about deportation, if he weren’t born in Canada, it would depend on his status: permanent resident or citizen.

        “Someone who becomes a Canadian citizen cannot be forced to leave Canada unless they said something that was not true or left out information when they applied for Canadian citizenship or permanent resident status.”

      • Kate 19:29 on 2021-09-21 Permalink

        Thank you for your explanations, H. John. I always appreciate you straightening me out on legal points.

    • Kate 08:59 on 2021-09-20 Permalink | Reply  

      Canadiens recruit Jesse Ylönen is refusing to be vaccinated, which means delays for quarantine on both sides of the U.S. border once the regular NHL season begins. Item says most players have already been vaccinated.

      • Ephraim 10:43 on 2021-09-20 Permalink

        Don’t pay him for the time he’s in quarantine. He’s not legally available to work during those times.

      • Kate 10:57 on 2021-09-20 Permalink

        The item also says he couldn’t practice on the weekend either. I think any player refusing to be vaccinated should be regarded as sitting out the season, and not be paid at all.

    • Kate 08:40 on 2021-09-20 Permalink | Reply  

      The mini Francos and jazz festivals are over. Holding them at all was a great relief to Spectra, which at one point was facing possibly having to cancel them for the second year in a row.

      • DeWolf 19:25 on 2021-09-20 Permalink

        Both festivals were amazing. All the musicians were giving it everything they could. And it was actually nice to watch the shows with plenty of personal space.

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