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  • Kate 23:33 on 2023-09-12 Permalink | Reply  

    The Mohawk Mothers are in court again hoping to stop excavation work at the old Royal Vic.

    I wish them well and hope they can find satisfaction over this, but I wonder how it will ultimately be possible to prove a negative – or if the Mohawks would be able to believe in a negative report after so much deceit.

    • Kate 20:06 on 2023-09-12 Permalink | Reply  

      The Quebec director of elections, Jean-François Blanchet, is worried about the 1995 referendum. There’s a demand afoot that documents connected with the funding of a federalist group at that time should be made public. Can Paul St‑Pierre Plamondon possibly think that if there’s anything shady, maybe the results will be invalidated?

      I keep thinking about the issue on the federalist side, the rejected “no” ballots (that’s a link from 2000) – but they were all destroyed so the issue can never be revisited.

      Both sides were a little desperate. But do we really want a replay of 1995?

      • Nicholas 15:57 on 2023-09-13 Permalink

        About 55% of Quebec residents turned 18 after the 1995 referendum. If there aren’t already there will very soon be Quebeckers whose grandparents were born after the referendum. We shouldn’t ignore history if we want to make our society better, and people can personally grumble about the federalist funding as they can about the Chomedy rejected ballots, but sometimes it’s best to let things go and move on to focus on things that matter to most people today.

        I understand the DGEQ not wanting to release 17 year old documents and transcripts that were promised to remain confidential, and that Charest and others have won defamation judgments over similar releases, but also that the legislature is supreme. It’s worth noting that every single member of the national assembly voted for the motion to release the documents. I’m not sure you can really stop that train, though I’m curious about the motivations of the other political parties.

    • Kate 13:16 on 2023-09-12 Permalink | Reply  

      A man with a history of armed sexual assault has been living in a seniors’ housing co‑op with nobody there being made aware of his history. Serge Audette, 69, has now been charged with the murder of Patricia Ferguson in 1996 – but he wants to be allowed to return home whie awaiting trial. Residents aren’t happy.

      • Kate 13:10 on 2023-09-12 Permalink | Reply  

        The Verdun General and Notre-Dame hospitals are offering free meals to people that need them. Another sign of hard times, I guess.

        • Kate 12:01 on 2023-09-12 Permalink | Reply  

          A transport truck spilled a lot of white paint on the 40 between Cavendish and Côte-Vertu on Tuesday morning. The road is closed while it’s cleaned up.

          • Bert 15:35 on 2023-09-12 Permalink

            That is going to be a Behr to clean up.

          • Kate 23:25 on 2023-09-12 Permalink

            The road reopened midafternoon Tuesday. It was water-based paint so not too hard to clean up, and not environmentally damaging, they said.

          • Ephraim 13:03 on 2023-09-13 Permalink

            Wonder how many people stupidly drove through that and now are calling their insurers

          • Bert 13:49 on 2023-09-13 Permalink

            Ephraim, of course, they should have foreseen that the spill was going to happen and preventitavely stopped in the middle of the highway and caused a Blues Brothers-esque car pile-up.

          • Ian 17:21 on 2023-09-13 Permalink

            A couple of my students drive through it, besides getting a free upgrade to whitewalls it didn’t seem to do anything to their cars.

        • Kate 11:14 on 2023-09-12 Permalink | Reply  

          Radio-Canada investigates a restaurant without a permit operating in an unsanitary residential basement, selling food via delivery services. They find several others operating illegally in the same way.

          Like Airbnb, the delivery services wash their hands of any responsibility for local regulations. I’d say the takeaway here is not to order food from any establishment that hasn’t got a restaurant storefront.

          • jeather 16:01 on 2023-09-12 Permalink

            How do you know if they are real or not? Some I know, but others are just names on an app, and I have no idea if they’re a real restaurant, or a ghost kitchen, or a basement kitchen.

          • dhomas 16:42 on 2023-09-12 Permalink

            When I absolutely need to use an app, I check Google Maps to look up the address listed. If it doesn’t look like a restaurant, I will stay away. But generally, I try to avoid the apps altogether and go to local restaurants for pickup myself. This avoids them having to pay the app’s fees and I can sometimes also get a discount. There was an Indian place not far from me that would offer free delivery (within a 5km range) and a 10% discount if we ordered from them directly. I think they recently discontinued that offer, though. I’m pretty sure the delivery apps didn’t quite like that, though I don’t know if it goes against their T&Cs.

          • Kate 16:50 on 2023-09-12 Permalink

            I’ve never ordered from a place where I didn’t already know the storefront, or at least could see that the storefront existed, so I’m not sure of an answer. Check for Google reviews, maybe?

          • carswell 17:04 on 2023-09-12 Permalink

            My solution: I deal only with restaurants I can order from directly. No DoorDash, Skip the Dishes, Uber Eats, Grubhub etc. and I’ll never install one of the food delivery or other gig-work apps on any of my devices. This may also be why my ordering out has dropped from once every couple of weeks to once a year (three times since the start of the pandemic).

            With a little planning, it’s not really much of an inconvenience. And it’s certainly a lot cheaper, healthier and better for the environment.

          • Ephraim 17:41 on 2023-09-12 Permalink

            Don’t order for delivery. We prefer to pick up in person. And directly from the restaurant if possible, so they don’t have to pay these multi-nationals

          • Blork 17:59 on 2023-09-12 Permalink

            This story is particularly gnarly because it’s a sushi restaurant. If ever there was a type of restaurant that needs to be on top of hygiene, it’s that. (For the TL;DRs, the issue isn’t just that the resto was unlicensed, but that it was unsanitary.)

            Personally, I think I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve had food delivered in the past 20 years. Like Ephraim, I prefer picking it up in person. Although that isn’t practical for everyone.

          • Kevin 19:06 on 2023-09-12 Permalink

            Delivery has always been a terrible job that costs the worker more than they realize.

          • jeather 19:43 on 2023-09-12 Permalink

            I would say that I get delivery once, maybe twice a year. Sometimes from an app, sometimes direct. I haven’t checked to see if the restaurants are real, though.

          • Kate 20:13 on 2023-09-12 Permalink

            I didn’t think of myself as a big food orderer, but it seems that since I’m ordering out roughly once a month, I’m doing it a lot more than other folks here.

            Sometimes I have a busy day and I just want something like sushi or pho that I can’t easily make for myself and that can’t be picked up at the corner. I know the drivers don’t have an easy life – and now I have another thing to feel guilty for.

          • walkerp 07:25 on 2023-09-13 Permalink

            I only ever order for delivery from a restaurant I’ve actually eaten at. But I try to do the pick-up myself most of the time for the reasons mentioned above but also because I bring my own containers as well.

          • Daniel 08:16 on 2023-09-13 Permalink

            I order once a decade, bring my own containers, and go to the restaurant to prepare the food myself too!

          • jeather 09:31 on 2023-09-13 Permalink

            I’m not being especially ethical here, I’m just cheap, and delivery is expensive.

          • Ephraim 13:06 on 2023-09-13 Permalink

            This was covered last night on La Facture, which you can watch on ici.tou.tv and apparently L’Epicerie tonight is going to talk about people selling meals vis FB Marketplace.

          • Meezly 13:14 on 2023-09-13 Permalink

            On FB and Nextdoor, there are so many of home operations. Mostly people’s “moms” making delicious food, esp. food from various countries that are hard to find in typical restaurants. I’ve been curious and enjoy ogling at the food on offer, but never tried, mostly because I don’t have a car.

            The only time I ever buy food prepared at someone’s home are specialty cakes.

        • Kate 10:24 on 2023-09-12 Permalink | Reply  

          The Vélo Fantôme people have branched out into memorializing pedestrians killed in traffic, holding a ceremony in memory of the 645 pedestrians killed in Quebec since 2013.

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