The Centre des mémoires montréalaises opened this week, picking up where the Centre d’histoire de Montréal, on Youville Square, left off in 2020.
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There’s little information here, but the BEI are seeking witnesses to a police incident in Ahuntsic on Tuesday. CBC mentions nonchalantly that “the BEI investigates when someone is injured or killed during a police operation.”
A climate march filled Park Avenue near the Cartier monument on Friday afternoon. With no consciousness of irony, CTV headlines it as Climate protesters block traffic.
Update: There was one arrest.
Not sure where the irony is. I’m sure drivers would just turn their cars off while idling like always.
It wouldn’t have occurred to me that someone threatening suicide in the metro would have to be persuaded not to leap from a height, but this account tells about a man who climbed up a ventilation shaft and was coaxed down after hours of effort by two STM workers, who have since been honoured.
What caught my attention was “la trappe qui mène à l’extérieur est soudée, pour éviter les intrusions dans le métro” – aren’t ventilation shafts supposed to do double duty as emergency exits in case of fire? Surely welding their access doors closed would be dangerous / present liability issues?
Weekend notes from CityCrunch, Montréal Secret, 24Heures, Sarah’s Weekend List, CultMTL.
Although the writers’ strike is over in Hollywood, the production drought continues here, with technicians either leaving the trade, or accepting that they need to look elsewhere to make a living.
Interesting article. But cites so many different views on the cause that I’m left confused about how so many people and organizations aren’t converging on a clear narrative about what’s going on and why.
The timing is interesting that the production workers union in Quebec, IATSE, is in negotiations with their counterparts among the employers. And that the anglo actors will soon be in negotiations for the Canadian equivalent of the US agreement that’s not being struck over.
Reducing jobs is one of the most effective tools the employers have in negotiations with the unions and the timing lines up…
SPVM officer Sanjay Vig testified in court Thursday, giving his version of what happened in Park Extension in January 2021. Whether he was attacked while writing a ticket or afterwards may never be determined with certainty. His testimony continues Friday.
So I do believe that he was attacked from behind and truly thought that it was Camara who attacked him (as that would be logical to assume it’s the guy you just ticketed and not someone else who came out of the blue). However, I suspect he is totally lying about Camara’s behaviour to defend his mistake.
And why is there zero mention of Ngarukiye’s motive? Was he just a psycho? I read rumours that Vig was a known tyrant and extorter of the people of that neighbourhood so you wonder if this was a planned revenge.
And as to the timing of the attack, wouldn’t that be confirmed by whether or not Camara actually had the ticket in his possession?
Managers with the City of Montreal were quietly paid a double bonus earlier this year, officially to make up for no bonus in the pandemic panic year of 2020, and also to keep them from deserting for plummer jobs on the private side.
The unions are not happy.