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  • Kate 15:45 on 2023-09-22 Permalink | Reply  

    It’s the first I’ve heard of this: a campaign that started in 2019 making false negative claims against the SPCA de l’Ouest – the one on Jean‑Talon – to the extent that the organization lost out on donations and had to lay people off.

    A court just condemned two people to make donations to the organization and stop posting to Facebook about it, or anywhere else.

    La Presse explains the spat at the origin of this sordid epic – a sick dog, which was surrendered to a vet, and which the SPCA then refused to return to the people who had surrendered it. The ex‑owners took it badly – so badly that they proceeded to slander the SPCA far and wide.

    • jeleventybillionandone 18:36 on 2023-09-22 Permalink

      The SPCA on Jean Talon is emphatically not the SPCA de l’Ouest. They are completely separate entities with no affiliation.

    • EmilyG 18:55 on 2023-09-22 Permalink

      The SPCA de l’Ouest is in Saint-Louis-de-Gonzague.

    • Kate 19:52 on 2023-09-22 Permalink

      Thank you both. I put here in my defense the Google result that made me jump to that conclusion:

    • Ian 20:10 on 2023-09-22 Permalink

      In your defense Google search has gotten really confusing over the last couple of years, especially for looking up addresses of businesses.

  • Kate 15:34 on 2023-09-22 Permalink | Reply  

    Gabriel Sohier Chaput, convicted earlier this year for promoting hatred of Jews, has been sentenced to 15 months in jail.

    Update: CTV reports that Jewish groups are pleased with the sentence.

  • Kate 10:56 on 2023-09-22 Permalink | Reply  

    Nathalie Collard writes in La Presse about the airport and the STM and how things got so bad, but the same paper covers how the STM will be running an experiment allowing people to buy tickets for the 747 bus with their phones.

    • Ephraim 14:31 on 2023-09-22 Permalink

      Such technological innovation! It’s like we are at the forefront of technology /s

    • Aineko Marcx 15:27 on 2023-09-22 Permalink

      Can the overwhelmed 747 bus fleet get a double-decker upgrade?
      Oh, impossible, I guess. Because the feasibility study report would come after the opening of the REM-YUL branch.

    • Nicholas 23:38 on 2023-09-22 Permalink

      The 747 tickets are actually 24 hour zone A passes; will these phone tickets be accepted on metros, buses and trains?

      There are two distinct problems here. One is that people have to wait in a long line to buy tickets. More machines, or ways of buying tickets, will help (as will staff helping tourists and locals buying their return before leaving home).

      The other is that the buses are full. The solution is more space on buses per hour. The car traffic is slowing down the buses, which means each bus takes longer to do a round trip, so there’s fewer trips per hour for the same number of buses. Using the Dorval Circle and then the taxi rank to access the airport during busy periods would help. More buses, which is apparently happening, would too. Cutting the route between Lionel Groulx and Berri would mean buses would finish their round trip faster, so could do more trips to the airport; metro to LG is not a burden for tourists. Lastly, locals could take advantage of all the other buses — the 460, the 204 and 209 — that go to the airport, the first two of which mostly or entirely avoid the traffic and the last could easily. Those buses are usually basically empty, and during busy times can sometimes be faster to the metro than the 747, even with a transfer. Also you can use a regular ticket, which most locals have on an OPUS, rather than needing to buy a day pass.

      Lastly, Anieko, double decker buses don’t work well with luggage. Megabus style takes a while to load, and bringing them up to the second floor isn’t easy. The STM could contract for some coaches, which might hold a few more people but they also load slower. But they would have to buy some and train drivers anyway. Might be better to get some articulated buses. All door boarding would also help speed up everything, which reduces stopping time and increases moving time.

      Sorry for the long comment!

    • Kate 09:46 on 2023-09-23 Permalink

      Radical option: make the 747 trip from the airport to LG free for everyone. People can buy fares at LG if they want to take the metro somewhere else.

    • Ian 18:17 on 2023-09-23 Permalink

      To be fair when I fly to NY I prefer to land at Newark because I can take a train straight into town. Buses take too long, cabs are too expensive. Once we have a train from the airport most if this annoyance and unpleasantness will go away.

    • jeather 13:11 on 2023-09-24 Permalink

      Me too, Ian, and everyone seems to think I’m nuts for this.

  • Kate 10:41 on 2023-09-22 Permalink | Reply  

    Incidents of ER patients denied care at the Verdun General if they have no health card and no money are clear, but what the hospital’s response will be, after inconsistent rulings, are less so.

    • Kate 09:15 on 2023-09-22 Permalink | Reply  

      Weekend notes from CityCrunch, Montréal Secret, 24Heures, Sarah’s Weekend List, CultMTL.

      Driving anywhere will be impeded by the big public union demonstration Saturday and the marathon Sunday, as well as various other circumstances.

      Many bus routes will be detoured Sunday for the marathon.

      • Kate 08:56 on 2023-09-22 Permalink | Reply  

        A small storefront business in Anjou was firebombed overnight – this was the second time it was hit within ten days. The firebombing and arson layer of the incident map looks like a Christmas tree by now.

        • walkerp 13:13 on 2023-09-22 Permalink

          jesu christi, we are going to need air quality warnings just for all the local firebombings!

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