TVA says downtown merchants are finding it a quiet shopping season, blaming lack of parking and Turcot work keeping people from driving into town. I was out Sunday afternoon myself and found the metro curiously empty and everyone moving unusually slowly. I’d expected a bit more spark.
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The Centre d’histoire looks at the Hotel Nelson in the 1970s and now. The contrast isn’t nearly as striking as most of their then-and-now shots, although the old photo makes me wonder what happened to that great neon sign.
QMI talked to some retailers nervous about the upcoming shopping bag ban.
The future of the Canada Malting site in St-Henri is up for grabs.
Some cyclists demonstrated Saturday for a cleared winter bike path on the Jacques-Cartier.
The homeless have it rough during a cold snap, but some extra resources are available. The Journal profiles a priest who spends nights outside with the homeless.