Two Montreal synagogues received physical hate mail recently, and it’s under investigation. Radio‑Canada has a picture of the message.
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Dorval’s “overpass to nowhere” ended up costing over $343 million.
CBC talked to some downtown business owners who are happy to see the end of Formula E. La Presse says Mayor Plante doesn’t yet know how much the city will have to pay to get out of the contract signed with Formula E by Denis Coderre. Jack Todd dances on the grave and Patrick Lagacé talks about the funding. Pop culture site The Verge gives us a view from outside including the information that 2018’s race was to be the finale of the season for Formula E; the Journal describes sumptuous parties organized for the race last summer.
An 88-year-old woman was found dead in an apartment fire in Villeray overnight, upstairs from a bakery which was likely the source of the fire; the TVA account – with raw video – mentions an investigation as possible arson.
This is my neighbourhood and my local bakery. Nice people who’d upgraded the front shop in recent years to make it more pleasant and appealing. Especially hard on them to have this happen on the eve of the holidays.
Update: the Journal has a bit more specific information about the deceased woman, the bakery owner and so on. Another reason I won’t block QMI: they often present more human interest background on stories than other media do.
At the behest of blog regular mare, who proposed a specific WordPress plugin, participants can now edit their comments during a five-minute window after posting.
After that, you’ll still have to drop me a line if you need something corrected.
Update: As observed below – it doesn’t work. Research is ongoing.