Radio-Canada asks and answers the question how much Christmas lighting costs, noting that the coming of LED lights has reduced demand generally.
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A woman died on Sunday in a fire in a Lasalle duplex. TVA link plays video.
The New York Times reports on the Plante administration’s lifting of the pitbull law, as does Fox News (don’t read the comments!).
In the spirit of retrospectives this time of year, I’m reposting the weblog list of reliably cyclic stories, adding one:
Very early spring: So many potholes! How did that happen?
Early spring: Who threw all this trash around the streets? Why is the city so filthy?
First heat wave: Why don’t we have air conditioned buses and metros?
Moving Day: How quaint, except for junk left on sidewalks and sad abandoned pets 🙁
Construction holiday: Gasoline is suddenly so expensive!
High summer: Please don’t feed the raccoons at the lookout.
Rentrée: The traffic, my god the traffic!
Rentrée: It’s still hot out, why are the pools closed?
Christmas season: Why are the ERs jammed with so many noncritically sick people?
Deep winter: What to do about the homeless when it’s too cold to be safe outside. -
You can stop dreaming now: it is a white Christmas, and the roads may be tricky. TVA link plays video.