Not all the city’s boroughs think the sugary drinks ban in municipal buildings is viable or sensible.
Updates from December, 2017 Toggle Comment Threads | Keyboard Shortcuts
Toronto Star says Montreal is Canada’s most trilingual city, going by Statistics Canada findings. That’s not surprising, given how many people I’ve known who speak English, French and a third other language, often one they grew up with.
For CBC, Roberto Rocha looks back to a worse cold snap and all the days under 20°C since 1970.
Radio-Canada has a brief report and video about new high-tension electric lines being put in downtown. We’re hungry for megawatts, especially during cold snaps.
On Sunday, New Year’s Eve, there will be festivities in Old Montreal to mark the end of the city’s 375th year. The expected high on Sunday is –20°C though.
Le Devoir tells how a community group in Point St Charles has acquired a disused industrial building to turn into a community centre after years of waiting.
The cold temperatures make things more difficult for emergency services. Some anecdotes and advice from La Presse.
Bringing forward this post on retrospectives for 2017.
Eater has a piece gathering up the best food critic lists so I don’t have to, and Jack Todd writes about the lacklustre year experienced by our professional sports teams. I’ll add any more I find to this item.
CBC Montreal offers its best photos of the year and Radio-Canada lists those who died in 2017, figures both local and international.
The Journal has a quiz on who said what in 2017 and the CBC has one on what you know about Montreal.
The Gazette looks back on the highs and lows of weather in 2017.
Quebec political soundbites of the year. (Couillard really said “en tabarnouche”?)
Radio-Canada lists 17 memorable incidents throughout the year.