Updates from October, 2018 Toggle Comment Threads | Keyboard Shortcuts

  • Kate 10:11 on 2018-10-13 Permalink | Reply  

    The rector of UdeM showed the mayor around the university’s new campus this week.

    • Kate 09:56 on 2018-10-13 Permalink | Reply  

      A businessman claims he should’ve been allowed to bring Formula E here, but Denis Coderre, as he was wont to do, gave the event to Evenko. So now this guy, who apparently never had a contract or anything, wants $3 million from the city.

      (La Presse has a brief video explainer here, as it’s been doing lately, which I guess is useful in an era when almost nobody wants to read anything properly but simply skim a summary. My only criticism: can’t they find something less portentous than that piano soundtrack?)

      • Kate 09:51 on 2018-10-13 Permalink | Reply  

        RDP-PAT councillor Giovanni Rapanà has left Ensemble to sit as an independent. Rapanà wanted to run for mayor of the borough in the byelection sparked because the sitting mayor, Chantal Rouleau, representing Ensemble, was elected as a CAQ MNA earlier this month. Ensemble told Rapanà no, so he walked away.

        La Presse notes that Ensemble also lost Frantz Benjamin to the National Assembly and is left with 18 council seats against Projet’s 33.

        • Kate 09:29 on 2018-10-13 Permalink | Reply  

          Two hundred dogs rescued from a market in South Korea where they were reportedly going to be sold for food landed in Montreal this week and are up for adoption. Some people probably feel great about achieving this, but given the numbers of abandoned pets here, I’m not sure why this is being reported so uncritically.

          • Kate 08:52 on 2018-10-13 Permalink | Reply  

            So this guy works at the Jewish General and starts stealing hospital equipment, sneaking portable items out in a bag and putting them up on eBay. He gets away with $100,000 worth of stuff before investigators trace his eBay account and bust him.

            His response? Shrug. Everybody does it.

            Aram Tchitouni was sentenced to a year in prison this week, but not much in the way of repayment because, pragmatically, prosecutors know he doesn’t have any $100,000 lying around and, by the way, he also lost his job.

            • Mr. Bin 12:58 on 2019-11-18 Permalink

              The guy was charged for things he never done(100k!) I was working in the hospital and know all in details

            • Kate 13:08 on 2019-11-18 Permalink

              Mr. Bin, you should call someone in the media. The only reporter I’m aware of that regularly publishes his contact info is La Presse’s Daniel Renaud: 514 285-7000, poste 4918, or drenaud@lapresse.ca

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