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  • Kate 11:25 on 2018-10-28 Permalink | Reply  

    Daily Hive has some sketches of what Berri-UQAM station will look like by fall 2020.

    I’m confused, because I thought the station had already been under renovation for years. The new red walls on some platforms, the closure and reopening of key staircases – were these preliminary, or have they already been superseded by this new design?

    I hope they keep the puck, whatever happens. It’s not shown in the drawings but they don’t have a view across the central space where it is.

    Incidentally, the STM is hiring. Official page.

    • Kate 10:32 on 2018-10-28 Permalink | Reply  

      Again this weekend the police blotter is quiet. There was a fire in an apartment on Queen Mary on Saturday morning, blamed on unattended incense burning, evacuations but nobody seriously hurt. The Journal and CTV at least sent photographers, while the Gazette contented itself with a file photo of a fire engine.

      There was also a widely reported zombie walk on Saturday, but regular readers know how I feel about zombie walks and can go find the links easily enough themselves.

      • Kate 09:22 on 2018-10-28 Permalink | Reply  

        So the city announces it’s going to dig up a commercial street, maybe for years, and make it unattractive if not actually impassable to vehicles and pedestrians, accompanied by media pieces about how this will hurt businesses along the street, so is it really news when it turns out
        it’s really hurting businesses along the street?

        • Kate 08:41 on 2018-10-28 Permalink | Reply  

          A demonstration against antisemitism and other forms of racism is planned Sunday at noon at the Holocaust museum. There’s a Facebook link but it’s an open one. The museum is on Côte Ste‑Catherine, where the park across the street is mostly trees on that side, so it’s unclear where people are expected to gather, but I’m seeing this event tweeted generally so there’s bound to be quite a crowd.

          Valérie Plante has tweeted her condolences to Pittsburgh along with many other Canadian politicians and notables (“Andrew Scheer wrote that he was praying for those affected”). CBC has a general piece about more security around Canadian synagogues but I imagine most Jewish institutions won’t be revealing many details about the measures they’re taking.

          In tangentially related news, a man from Rosemont has been charged with inciting hatred of Jews (and, oddly, threats specifically to the family of Céline Dion, which may get him in more serious trouble).

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