A memorial will be held Thursday at the lookout for the 29th anniversary of the École Polytechnique massacre.
Updates from December, 2018 Toggle Comment Threads | Keyboard Shortcuts
The CAQ is keeping a key campaign promise to cut immigration by 20% next year, even though Justin Trudeau has quietly pointed out that the province is already suffering from a shortage of manpower.
I’m curious. Quebec not being a sovereign nation, how does it impose its own immigration rates? Is there any barrier if someone who comes to Canada moves to Quebec later? Although with an attitude like this in place, it’s hard to see why they’d want to.
In the course of a major international artificial intelligence conference, it was announced that three major AI firms are about to open Montreal offices. However, during the announcement it seems Valérie Plante made a hideous error: she spoke English. The fact that these AI firms are based in the UK doesn’t perturb MBC’s spittle-filled tirade here. Even the “news” piece in the Journal starts with a snarky lede evoking the recent squabbles over French in Ontario, completely irrelevant to the story.
In a tangentially related piece, a course given only in English at the Université de Montréal is causing ripples as far away as the National Assembly. You always know when the phrase “langue de Shakespeare” shows up that you’re in for an interesting read.
Update: Thank goodness, the mayor has apologized for speaking English.
Perhaps a breath of schadenfreude here: people hoping to cash in by investing in Montreal’s condo market are losing money as they can’t charge enough rent to keep up payments. I’m happy we live in a town where living spaces are for living in, and not for making offshore investors richer.
A new report finds that crude racial profiling by SPVM cops is widespread and common in St-Michel.
The metro will run all night on New Year’s Eve but it won’t be free.
I passed over this brief piece on the weekend saying that Plateau borough wants to ban new restaurants using charcoal grills or wood ovens, but now I wonder. Could this mean they’re prepared to grandfather the existing ones? Luc Ferrandez hasn’t been afraid of being a wet blanket in other matters, but he might not want to be remembered as the man who killed smoked meat and bagels and Portuguese chicken in this city.
The city was planning to put a new recycling centre in the old Francon quarry in St-Michel but all three candidates in the upcoming byelection support residents who don’t want it, after years of recycling in the other old quarry in the neighbourhood.