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  • Kate 20:07 on 2018-12-22 Permalink | Reply  

    Boxer Adonis Stevenson has woken from his three-week coma, according to his girlfriend, Simone God. (Which leads to some odd second mentions: “I wanted to clarify that Adonis is awake,” God wrote in a news release. “He is healing from his injury in the private company of his family and his dedicated medical team,” said God.)

    • Kate 17:14 on 2018-12-22 Permalink | Reply  

      Journal blogger Maxime Pelletier asks what Ensemble Montréal stands for and finds that the principles it lists are a weak copy of Projet’s, making the party’s raison-d’être unclear.

      • Kate 11:10 on 2018-12-22 Permalink | Reply  

        It seems to be of note this week that the last McDonald’s in the Plateau has closed up shop. The tone taken by Eater is a little less sad than the Journal’s and they also a) credit a different, unrelated site with the initial news (something the Journal doesn’t do) and b) ponder the closures of other fast-food joints in the area.

        • Ian 11:35 on 2018-12-22 Permalink

          Interesting, that McD was always pretty sketchy so I kind of wondered why it was holding on so long.

        • Ephraim 12:24 on 2018-12-22 Permalink

          Ian, sketchier than the one at Papineau and St-Catherine, where they have/had (since I haven’t been a YEARS) black lights in the bathroom to prevent people from shooting up?

        • Kate 13:11 on 2018-12-22 Permalink

          A lot of places have had those bathroom black lights, Ephraim, including the Plateau library across from Mont-Royal metro.

        • Douglas 09:09 on 2018-12-23 Permalink

          Papineau and ste catherine McDonalds is a site I’ll never forget. Blood leaking out of a guy’s arm while he’s asking for money. I ran out so fast.

      • Kate 10:10 on 2018-12-22 Permalink | Reply  

        On the metro this week I was treated to a brief video from the City of Montreal explaining the ways the animal permit fee is useful to the populace. There were three short examples – all to do with dogs, training them and restraining them. Nothing to help me understand why I had to go plonk down twelve bucks this week at Accès Montréal to make my cat legal for another year, and which made me, as always, think of this. No cat detector van is going to catch me out!

        Update: Note to dog owners: If you own a big dog, and you open a door and it rushes out without a leash and starts barking at and hassling a passing woman with a bag of groceries, and she yells at you to please call off your dog: CALL OFF YOUR DOG. Don’t stand there telling the woman she’s overreacting and the dog is harmless. CALL OFF YOUR FUCKING DOG.

        (Now I’m going to put the groceries away.)

        • Kate 09:28 on 2018-12-22 Permalink | Reply  

          A headline like Une année misérable pour Montréal made me click, but it’s only about sports. Whew.

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