As some may know, there was a major WordPress update recently. Possibly too optimistically, I updated the blog, and Thursday I initially found I any comments more than a day old were not displaying.
Then I lost access to the back end entirely.
Thanks to my hosting people at, an errant plugin was deleted and I now have access, but you may notice an error notification at the top of the screen. Also, you can comment on anything, but although I still have all the older comments, they’re not showing up, and that has to be fixed too.
So the blog is limping along, but needs fixing. I will be working on it this weekend so don’t be surprised if you log in and it looks different. I may be trying something out.
Josh 14:40 on 2018-12-14 Permalink
Love to hear from people who don’t like a thing about how that thing is destined to fail.
Kate 16:08 on 2018-12-14 Permalink
I am allowed to make a prediction.
Bill Binns 16:50 on 2018-12-14 Permalink
I guess I will finally take my turn at standing in the street with an angry sign (maybe a mask!). I could not be more opposed to spending ANY public money on this in ANY way. That includes tax breaks, free land etc
The very last thing this city needs is another underused stadium for it’s collection.
Faiz Imam 17:50 on 2018-12-14 Permalink
Of course, all the promoters would like to make sure no-one talks about the other side of the equation. The closest team to relocation, the Tampa Bay rays, just signed a 10 year extension on their lease.
There’s a couple other teams with stadium issues, but relocation is not even on the table.
And the league has said expansion won’t be considered unless all major issues have been dealt with.
Unless a new player comes out waving a billion dollar check, this idea is going nowhere.
steph 19:11 on 2018-12-14 Permalink
It won’t fail… the MLB simply will never allow a new team to settle in Canada. We’d be wasting our money and energy entertaining the idea. Lets see Quebec city get their hockey team back first.
Uatu 15:28 on 2018-12-15 Permalink
Where’s this new ballpark supposed to be built? Sounds like another PPP long con by more billionaire investors. When is the public going to stop being such suckers?
Kevin 23:25 on 2018-12-15 Permalink
Well, I got insulted today for saying that no, I don’t think the spending habits of baseball players will have any significant impact on a city’s economy.
So that is where supporters are at: we need a team because two or three dozen young men will go to bars and spend some money.
CE 13:03 on 2018-12-16 Permalink
Most restaurants and bars cut celebrities and pro sports players deals for patronizing their establishments. It looks good on a place to have them there.
Frankie 13:32 on 2018-12-16 Permalink
I see in my crystal ball, the ghosts of baseball teams, past, present and future. There, in the mists, of bye-gone times, I see a player moving up to bat. Why, it`s the Grand Orange, Rusty Staub, himself! He swings and misses, swings again and misses. One more swing and then, a mighty crack! The crowd goes wild. It`s hit! Nooo! It`s a crack in the time-space continuum and we find ourselves staring into the abyss…of the Big Owe. There are players on the field, but this time the crowd is small and meek. The team does their best but by the time of the seventh inning stretch, the stands are almost empty. The few fans left don`t sing along to Take Me Out to the Ballgame because no one can remember the words. The song trails off into silence. Only the bleating of the vendors is now heard echoing around the concrete walls: Peeeannnuuuuts! Poooopcooorn! Cacahoueeetes! and then, there is no one. No fans, no music and the team on the field dissolves into nothingness. Oh, crystal ball! Can this really be? A ballpark, a team, but there were no fans to be seen. This is so sad, crystal ball. Is this a tear I feel on my cheek? What can we do, crystal ball? What is the future? If we build it, will they come? There are some who say they will. The mist in the crystal ball clears and there, a figure appears, dressed in an Expos home uniform. The number 8 is blazoned on his chest and he waves his catcher`s mitt. He speaks in a ghostly way as ghosts are wont to speak: Listen to me, for I know of what I speak. Don`t give these guys a penny for their nostalgic dreams. Make them pay for the project themselves and let them reap their profits from sponsorship and tickets sales, the old-fashioned way. And, with a nod of his red, white and blue cap, the ghostly apparition fades away.