If you’re out shopping this Friday evening you’re not the only one.
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I’m not entirely sure what an incubator is, but Dezeen has a story about how the old Dow Planetarium has been turned into one. It looks nice inside, I have to admit.
Raymond Lutz
“spaces of social diversity” yeah, sure… Faut chercher longtemps dans les photos pour trouver quelqu’un qui illustre cette diversité. Il y a bien une rousse qui écrit sur un mur et qui après consulte un livre (!) sur son pouf. Clin d’oeil à notre hôtesse 😎
The complexity of human social diversity can be reduced to 9 photos and detected by your eye? You can see gender diversity? Sexual orientation? Religion? Nationality? Language? Political views? Economic status?
The photos are clearly architecture porn, humans are de-emphasized, and are probably just whoever was there when the photographer showed up. It’s true the photos are missing: dark skinned people, old people, overweight people, non-able bodied people, and probably more. You would rather they staged the photos?
Raymond Lutz, je ne porterais jamais des sneakers blancs avec une robe noire!
It looks like the space station in 2001 a space Odyssey where Heywood Floyd evades the Russians questions about the activity around Clavius. All that’s missing is the Hojo sign…
Raymond Lutz
@Chris, le concept même d’incubateur est de la bullshit… Venture capitalist and architecture porn indeed: tout cela est du vent et de la façade, keep on drinking the coolaid.
Ne vous y trompez pas: je ne suis pas technophobe (j’ai fait la première démonstration de l’internet et du web à mon cegep il y a 25 ans alors qu’il n’y avait même pas d’ISP local, je me branchais sur les modems de l’UdM) mais je ne suis pas dupe et dénonce l’uberisation de notre société et les wifi-enabled juicers qui émanent de ces Y combinator à la con. Vous confondez finance et science.
Je vous laisse sur cette citation de Ballard: “I think that new emotions and new feelings are being created, that modern technology is beginning to reach into our dreams and change our whole way of looking at things and perceiving reality… that more and more modern technology is drawing us away from contemplating ourselves to contemplating its world.” And this “You Call this Progress?” tldr: technology (and science) are stalled, much of it is decades old, if not centuries. Where is my fusion powered jet pack?
Raymond, either I don’t understand your retort, you didn’t understand mine, or I misunderstood your original message. 🙂
Anyway, I broadly agree that all that SV startup YC type stuff is way overhyped BS. Trinket garbage to enrich capitalists. There’s so much good technology could be used for, but instead so many bright minds are just shaving nanoseconds off of trades, finding new ways to make ads worse, etc. Sad. 🙁
Raymond Lutz
@Chris, you’re right… I’m not well articulated 😎 I was simply venting off my agacement about technocratie, finance and le charabia qui décrit le projet d’incubateur: “The new vocation of the planetarium commissioned the typology of spaces: spaces to encourage encounters, collaboration and reflection linked to tools and advanced technologies, spaces of social diversity and exchange platforms for sharing knowledge”
The new St-Jacques bridge is not complete but it was partly opened on Friday afternoon.
It’s the winter solstice on Friday (17:23 precisely) and the cycle and walking path on the Jacques-Cartier is now closed for winter.
The rue de la Commune bike path from the Main west to the Bonaventure is expected to be kept open this winter, but winter cyclists aren’t too impressed with the city’s ability to keep paths clear when the weather hits.
There’s heavy rain in Montreal this solstice Friday, shading to ice north of the city.
The Journal has some notes on the solstice and the impending full moon.
The city’s professionals have been without a new contract for nearly five years, but have just turned down the city’s most recent offer with a vote of 97% against. Spokesman says the city is more generous with other unions, such as the police.
The Gazette slants this story very anti-Plante, a tendency I’ve been noticing from them. I predict that paper will come out very pro-Ensemble by the next election, unless the party picks a known Quebec nationalist as mayoral candidate, at which point it may suddenly find new virtues in our Val.
Remember newspapers are in the business of selling ads. Last I looked, Gazette ads were in opposition to Projet type stuff. Car ads, etc. So an anti-Plante slant is expected.
Not to mention the Gazette has a whole section on driving once a week.
Steve Q
City professionals without a contract for nearly 5 years ? And I have been without a contract for nearly30 years !
Tim S.
That’s a problem, Steve. You should do something about it.
A man was shot Thursday in a gas station in St-Léonard, and has died. He’s alleged to be have been in a biker gang and TVA goes on to say the execution is part of an internal purge by the gang. This killing squares off 2018’s homicide tally at 30.