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  • Kate 17:03 on 2023-05-17 Permalink | Reply  

    A new delay in the start date for the south shore REM is blamed on testing that’s taking longer than expected. No new start date has been floated.

    • Nicholas 17:38 on 2023-05-17 Permalink

      It notes they have to tell their partners (STM, etc) 30 days before service starts, so they were running out of time to get that done to start before the end of spring. More concerning is their objective is over 95% reliability. That means 1 in 21 trains could be unreliable and they would meet their objective, which means a train per hour (two at rush hour) could have issues and they’d be ready to move forward.

    • Kate 18:53 on 2023-05-17 Permalink

      I wonder what happens if you’re on the bridge or some other kind of no‑man’s‑land scenario and the train fails. In the metro, mostly you can, if necessary, get out and walk with others to the next station, and you’ll at least be in town somewhere.

    • Nicholas 19:11 on 2023-05-17 Permalink

      At least for newer construction it’s pretty common (and probably required) to have walkways on the side, for evacuation if not maintenance. These photos look like they have some of that.

    • dhomas 22:49 on 2023-05-17 Permalink

      @Nicholas your link to the photos seems broken.

    • James 22:34 on 2023-05-18 Permalink

      @Kate I can assure you that this has been taken into account. Many aspects about evacuation have been considered. In the very unlikely scenario that the train fails and people need to disembark, you will be able to walk safely to a station or an access point along the track. For example, next time you go shopping at Costco, check out the nice staircase that has been built behind the building.
      NFPA 130 “Standard for Fixed Guideway Transit and Passenger Rail Systems” is applicable to REM and all projects in Canada / United States.

    • Kate 08:36 on 2023-05-19 Permalink

      Thank you, James.

      (I’ve never shopped at Costco and am not likely to do so.)

    • James 09:00 on 2023-05-19 Permalink

      @Kate Getting to Costco without a car is definitely not the easiest thing to do. I’ll send you a picture if you want 🙂

  • Kate 12:46 on 2023-05-17 Permalink | Reply  

    A look at how Habitat 67 was intended to be, the building we have being only a fraction of the original plan.

    • Kate 11:21 on 2023-05-17 Permalink | Reply  

      Montreal was founded as a European-style settlement on May 17, 1642, making it 381 years old today.

      However, it was established as a city in 1832, which is why we had our first mayor, Jacques Viger, only in 1833.

      • Kate 09:54 on 2023-05-17 Permalink | Reply  

        Fire chief Richard Liebmann says fire inspections were not dropped between 2018 and 2022, but that the fire department knew they couldn’t turn to the courts for leverage if a building owner was negligent. The story gets even murkier when it comes to heritage buildings and the complexity of assessing the problem and demanding it be fixed.

        Update: The mayor is feeling the heat, and says that the fire department mostly makes its own decisions without sending a memo to the mayor’s office. But she says she trusts the fire department.

      • Kate 08:43 on 2023-05-17 Permalink | Reply  

        A man was found dead Wednesday morning in a parking lot in New Bordeaux, and it transpired he had been shot.

        La Presse says the victim was known to police, who see in the two murders over 24 hours a sign that gang activity may be on the verge of heating up.

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