Updates from May, 2023 Toggle Comment Threads | Keyboard Shortcuts

  • Kate 20:50 on 2023-05-18 Permalink | Reply  

    The Guardian, via its Toronto stringer, gives an account of the killing of Claudia Iacono.

    • Kate 20:23 on 2023-05-18 Permalink | Reply  

      After a messy debacle last summer, the organization of Montreal Pride promises a parade will materialize on August 13.

      • Kate 15:35 on 2023-05-18 Permalink | Reply  

        Muslin Muslim groups are suing the Quebec government over the ban on prayer rooms in schools. It’s a standoff between freedom of religion and laïcité.

        • shawn 16:45 on 2023-05-18 Permalink

          (Québecor columnists rush en masse to their keyboards)

        • Blork 17:05 on 2023-05-18 Permalink

          The muslin groups are nothing to worry about. Once the polyesters get noisy then you got a problem!

        • Kate 17:40 on 2023-05-18 Permalink

          Thanks for the correction, Blork!

      • Kate 13:39 on 2023-05-18 Permalink | Reply  

        The city is creating a committee of experts to find other sources of revenue beyond property taxes.

        • Ephraim 14:24 on 2023-05-18 Permalink

          How do I get nominated for this committee? Besides all these idea of new taxes, I want to make sure they look at the unintended consequences too

      • Kate 08:21 on 2023-05-18 Permalink | Reply  

        A restaurant in St-Léonard was firebombed a second time in 24 hours, Thursday morning.

        • Tim S. 08:32 on 2023-05-18 Permalink

          What occurs to me about all these firebombings is that these are fights over protection money, which means many businesses must be paying out, which means we’re all paying out.

        • shawn 12:03 on 2023-05-18 Permalink

          Oh yes that’s totally factored in. And was for the public works projects like roads, too, with a certain % going to the mob. Although hopefully with the anticorruption unit and greater public scrutiny that has stopped.

        • Kate 13:34 on 2023-05-18 Permalink

          The Gazette has some thoughts from crime specialist Maria Mourani, but with all respect to her academic chops, she doesn’t suggest any reasons beyond what most of us would surmise: either a protection racket, or else a plan to intimidate competing businesses or business owners who appear loyal to rival factions, in an effort to make them give up or move away.

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