There will be no charges for the police officers who shot and killed Pierre Coriolan in a Village apartment in 2017.
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A theme Friday morning is that we must suffer before things improve in transit and commuting. Pie-IX will be a construction site for four years while the fast bus lane is built, and it better be the most beautiful bus lane in the world if it takes that long. At the same time, the construction of the REM means existing trains on the Deux-Montagnes line will face delays of up to 45 minutes – TVA says the replacement buses could take even longer and warns that more people will be giving up on public transit as a result. This is all in addition to the usual weekend warnings about getting around the Turcot site.
However, in about 2025 everything will be done and the whole road and rail system here will be running in blissfully flawless perfection. And if you believe that, I have a lovely new bridge to sell you.
Update: The mayor of Deux-Montagnes is angry and says no one will listen. Nobody ever has listened at the REM. It was handed down whole as a done deal, without discussion or reference to what the city needed or what the public wanted, and this hasn’t changed.
I wish we would just buck up and put in a tram on Pie-IX. They can even give the tram control of the lights, to make it move and keep cars, taxis, etc out of the lane and have public transit MOVE. Add some solar on the top, put in speed doorways, so you can actually enclose it in the winter. All electric, no emissions, no CO2 and can carry more people per hour. If you are going to spend the time, might as well switch to the most cost efficient per passenger system (less drivers, more passengers, more speed.)
“there will be no shutdowns, maybe a weekend or two” (CDPQInfra, 2016)
They should just give all infra projects to Chinese. They know a thing or two about building fast. They can probably build the entire Montreal by 2025 from scratch. But ya, corruption, and no fair playing field means only QC companies can get contracts.
An interesting part of this is the wave of early retirements as a result of not wanting to put up with this bullshit. The minister for Montreal was saying that even with the delays, it’s better than sitting in traffic. I dunno about that. Sitting in a heated car listening to your own music and not being shoved into a bus armpit to nose sounds better to me. And I bet you once it’s all done in the next 10 years, the REM will end up losing money to self driving cars.
@Roman, Maybe, but the Chinese rail system has a lot of safety problems.
A persistent 3% of restaurants and grocery stores in Montreal are dirty to the point of being hazardous for customers. I’m sure Romados is not rejoicing to have a photo of its frontage at the top of this piece, which gives the short list of businesses that are persistent offenders yet are still open.
We need public ratings affixed to the front. The normal inspection gives you a rating. You pay the cost x 2 if you want a fast re-inspection after failing, but you only get one re-inspection per period. The fine for not displaying your rating is $100,000 per day. Three ratings, “*” for pass, “-” for needs improvement, and a big fat “X” for echec. Completely transparent to the public. With a date of emmission on the front and a statement for how long it is good for.
You fail, you have a choice, put up the sign or pay to get re-checked. Want to bet that having to display a scarlet letter will make the restaurants in the city ensure that things are clean? And I’m willing to bet that soon after, that department will be profitable just from the re-inspection fees.
I feel how long I’ve been blogging when I read about parole being considered for someone convicted of a grisly killing I remember blogging about. I admit I was glad to read that Sébastien Simon, who at age 18 in 2006 killed the teenage clerk in a St-Léonard gas station, won’t be getting supervised outings. La Presse tells us Simon got married two years ago and is allowed conjugal visits.
jeather 12:25 on 2019-03-02 Permalink
Shocking, truly.
Kate 12:44 on 2019-03-02 Permalink
I’m not sure, which is why I didn’t editorialize. There’s video, and there’s no doubt Coriolan was out of control and was wielding a knife. That the police taser failed to work properly is a mark against the SPVM, and I’d sort of hope that six cops could subdue one man, even an armed man, without killing him – but then this was in the narrow hallway of an apartment building so it’s not clear all six could’ve usefully teamed up against him at that moment.
This was both like and unlike the debacle that killed Alain Magloire in 2014. In that case the man was also disturbed, he was a big man with a hammer, but it happened outside and cops should have been able to deploy themselves more effectively to subdue him. Not sure you can say the same thing about Coriolan given the situation.
Then there’s the two notable similarities: both men mentally disturbed, and both black.
jeather 15:17 on 2019-03-02 Permalink
Shame cops don’t wear bodycams so we’d be able to see more, but I did see the footage a few years ago and tbh it didn’t look like they tried much other than “taser, kill”. If cops are incapable of dealing with mentally ill people, or black men, much less black men who are mentally ill, perhaps they should find a job they are capable of.
Hamza 07:41 on 2019-03-03 Permalink
Main thing i noticed in the video was the second round of shots after he was already on his knees and wounded. Nobody ever seems to ask why they always go for the killshot rather than say to the limbs.
dwgs 09:45 on 2019-03-03 Permalink
Hamza, they are taught to shoot at the centre of mass (think torso) in order to have the best chance of bringing someone down. The reality of being afraid and full of adrenaline, combined with the inaccuracy of handguns means that those things we see in the movies (shot to the leg, shooting the weapon out of the guy’s hand, etc) aren’t realistic.
Please bear in mind that in no way do I support what has happened to these people and there is certainly no excuse for firing again once that person is incapacitated.