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  • Kate 22:44 on 2019-03-19 Permalink | Reply  

    Valérie Plante says she approves of the new federal budget, especially the money for first-time home buyers and the transfer of some gas tax money to municipalities. Radio-Canada notes, however, the lack of specific funds for public transit projects.

    • Kate 12:11 on 2019-03-19 Permalink | Reply  

      A pedestrian was killed by a truck late Tuesday morning downtown.

      Update: I was sure I saw earlier reports it was a man who died, but Tuesday evening it’s reported to have been a woman in her 70s.

      • Jack 12:41 on 2019-03-19 Permalink

        In the ten months I have lived in Chinatown thats the third pedestrian killed within 150 meters of my residence. The one thing however that is surprising is that the driver wasn’t hospitalized for a “choc nerveux”, must be made of stern stuff.
        I do hope his assistant did not exit the truck yelling « Ostie de Montréal ! » when he saw a crushed 79 year old grandmother, because let’s be honest thats bad form.
        I am however getting truly sick of the idea that this level of collateral damage is an acceptable part of the urban experience. These trucks have engineered blindspots so they can’t see pedestrians and cyclists and are literally turning on top of pedestrians exiting from Place des Armes Metro and the Palais des Congress. Valerie your the mobility mayor ….really??

      • Kate 14:47 on 2019-03-19 Permalink

        Jack, CBC says “The driver was taken to the hospital to be treated for shock.”

      • Ian 18:49 on 2019-03-19 Permalink

        I kind of suspect that it’s mandatory

      • Kevin 08:02 on 2019-03-20 Permalink

        Certain officers said off the record Tuesday morning that the victim was a man in his fifties.

      • qatzelok 09:08 on 2019-03-20 Permalink

        The car industry has a special fund to help drivers recover from shock after crushing someone with their vehicle.

      • dwgs 14:55 on 2019-03-20 Permalink

        qatzelok, I know I’m wasting my breath but that comment is in poor taste.

      • Ian 00:17 on 2019-03-21 Permalink

        Also totally irrelevant, let’s not conflate the truck safety problem with cars.

      • Chris 09:14 on 2019-03-21 Permalink

        dwgs, taste aside, I doubt it’s even true. Ian, *if* it were true, it would be totally relevant.

      • Ian 13:14 on 2019-03-21 Permalink

        Ok, I’ll bite – please explain how the safety problems we are seeing in the city centre with large commercial trucks vs pedestrians has anything to do with cars.

      • Chris 20:20 on 2019-03-21 Permalink

        Ian, what’s to bite at? My point is that it hardly matters if something is relevant or irrelevant when it’s a total falsehood.

    • Kate 07:04 on 2019-03-19 Permalink | Reply  

      I hope our editorial cartoonists make the most of the story that the city plans to try artificial intelligence as a way to get a handle on supplying its services effectively.

      • Kate 06:54 on 2019-03-19 Permalink | Reply  

        Question time at city hall is held once a month and is pretty tightly controlled, with those wanting to ask a question having to make a request in person, in advance. Council chair Cathy Wong wants to know how people would prefer to do it.

        I suspect the current arrangement evolved as a way of squelching people who like to show up and use the session to air their particular idée fixe, so if Wong can find a way to use technology to make it work better, that’s good.

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