The witless goomers that run the EMSB are trying to discourage students from blowing off school for Friday’s big climate march. As happens, the kids understand something the adults refuse to acknowledge.
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Six older Montreal guys, from a mix of cultural backgrounds, will be extradited to the United States to face charges connected with a familiar kind of spam fraud. They bilked cash from people after convincing them they had won lotteries.
Carey Price broke a longstanding Canadiens record Tuesday night with his 315th victory in a win against the Red Wings. Jacques Plante’s milestone dated back to 1963.
Plante did it faster and has a better win ratio. I would still take Plante.
Price has done it playing behind a team composed largely of plugs and pylons, Plante played for a team that won multiple Stanley Cups. Having said that, you can’t compare players from different eras, the game changes too much over the years.
Carey also holds the record for most losses. Just saying.
The Gazette also says Price’s wife muddies the waters with dubious ideas about not vaccinating kids.
A man who will remain nameless, because he’s clearly a type who will Google himself, has been found guilty of breaching bail conditions after his years-long campaign of harassing Sue Montgomery, currently mayor of CDN-NDG but dating back to when she was a journalist, was cut short by court order. The man would still show up at council meetings despite the order, and there’s a lot more distasteful back story about his actions which I won’t go into but which can be found online.
I’ve seen this guy on local social media, and he really is worrisome. Montgomery has every right to be frightened. He’s shown up at her offices and home and is constantly protesting her with huge signs blaming her for child sexual abuse. I hope he gets the help he needs.
I thought that such no-contact orders in Quebec automatically came with jail sentences for violation of the order. (And incidentally in Quebec, you don’t actually need police intervention to get one… you can go directly to the court to ask for one.)
John H.
I remember seeing this guy at her local church when I used to attend years ago. You had to walk past him and his bizarre signs every Sunday. He is very much the type of person to Google himself and find out where she or her church are being mentioned and then go spam up the comments with his conspiracy theories. The church is mentioned in the article but I won’t mention it here for that reason.
Agree with Dominic. She has the right to be fearful of this guy and that won’t stop until he gets the mental health care he needs.
A posh house in Westmount was firebombed overnight, the second time it’s been the target of trouble in the normally quiet wealthy enclave. Two cars were burned there last year. CBC’s report is discreet and I was hoping QMI would have more nitty gritty about who owns the house and why it might be under attack – they usually do, on stories like this – but nope. Not a peep. So, journalists, what’s the story?
Update: Daniel Renaud at La Presse says it’s actually the third time this house has been targeted. The caption merely suggests it’s a matter of “une histoire de dette ou de transaction immobilière.”
Registered owner is Maria Svourenos Trust
The home seems to belong to one Maria Svourenos. Apparently, she’s a life coach:
Good research, dhomas and BB. Thank you.
Maybe I should’ve become a life coach, if it buys you mansions in Westmount.
I suspect the mansion came first. “Self image expert coach” is definitely a career path for the (otherwise) idle rich.
Long time lurker here, first time posting. Further digging online would reveal the husband is the more likely target, John Essaris, I’ve personally never heard of the name, seems he’s in the restaurant business though.
The Journal has more info about John Essaris:
Except he’s dead:
Harold P
John Essaris inherited businesses from his father, James Essaris. He never actually started anything on his own to any success. Chronic problems with franchise owners and aborted business attempts – he’s had a bad reputation amongst certain people for a long time. Googling will chronicle various business histories and why someone is angry enough at him to bomb his cars and home on numerous occasions.
Cafe Supreme I believe was his first business, but that was started by his father and passed on to him – at the time, his father had his own offices above his on Drummond St in a brownstone, and his father subsidized various costs, including credit cards, gasoline, car repair costs, insurance for cars etc. Michael Dickey, who eventually married John’s sister and James’ daughter (a successful businesswoman who had a successful children’s store in Westmount prior to taking over Michael’s position as VP at James’ office, upon Michael’s death) Peggy Essaris, was the one who insisted this subsidization end permanently.
John has a fairly notorious history in being sued, aborted enterprises – he’s not a successful businessman like his father, despite his home in Westmount etc. That’s all thanks to James, unlike Peggy who established herself successfully on her own.
The article linking his death – I’m not entirely sure if that is the same John Essaris in this post – I only saw John a few times, more than 20 years ago now. The terse line on John does not state anyone other than the wife’s name – at the very least it would have the names of his father, sister, and children’s names.
It’s not news that many of the city’s schools are in poor shape, but a new committee is putting pressure on the CAQ government to commit to doing something about it.
Yeah, the CAQ specifically said that it wanted to fix the problem… by getting rid of the school boards that mismanaged their resources (ie their buildings) by not allocating money for proper maintenance. Somehow, someone at the CSDM aren’t thinking about that….
Jim 05:33 on 2019-03-14 Permalink
Don’t know if they understand better. I’d rather see students in school educating their-selves finding solutions for the future. I’ve witnessed similar marches in Europe, where they ended up with streets filled with trash, and seeing most benefits for local McDonalds and Burger KIng restaurant with huge line ups from protesting kids. Let’s hope things are not like that in Canada.
Kevin 06:05 on 2019-03-14 Permalink
They would be more effective convincing classmates to refuse being chauffered to and from school by their parents.
steph 06:33 on 2019-03-14 Permalink
This is the same day as the yearly March Against Police Brutality. I expect police brutality at both marches.
Kate 08:49 on 2019-03-14 Permalink
Jim, sitting passively in a classroom for one day is not enough to tip the situation. These kids know they have to rattle some chains now.
Chris 10:27 on 2019-03-14 Permalink
Jim when you say “educating their-selves finding solutions for the future”, you imply that the solutions are not known. The solutions are well-known. Convincing/forcing people to do them is what’s missing.
Jack 10:46 on 2019-03-14 Permalink
Having worked for them for almost 20 years, ” witless goomers ” is about right.