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  • Kate 21:20 on 2019-03-07 Permalink | Reply  

    Radio-Canada goes down underground at the Édouard-Montpetit REM station under construction.

    • Ian 14:09 on 2019-03-08 Permalink

      That’s pretty impressive, especially considering it’s solid basalt.

    • Robert H 11:19 on 2019-03-09 Permalink

      Enfin. Je suis d’accord. C’est un veritable puit de mine urbain comme les stations de métro à Washington D.C.

  • Kate 14:46 on 2019-03-07 Permalink | Reply  

    The New York Times on Costas Spiliadis, czar of the Milos restaurant empire.

    • Kate 13:36 on 2019-03-07 Permalink | Reply  

      A propane truck has done a flip on autoroute 15 near the Turcot and has had the usual disconcerting effect on traffic. The driver has died.

      • EmilyG 19:27 on 2019-03-07 Permalink

        Yeah, it seemed a bit unkind that on the radio’s traffic report, the reporter said that oh my goodness, a whole lot of people are in heavy traffic because a truck overturned, and oh, it was a fatal accident. Like the fact that someone actually died is almost secondary to a bunch of people being inconvenienced.

    • Kate 08:05 on 2019-03-07 Permalink | Reply  

      This hasn’t been one of the coldest winters, but it’s been long and difficult, starting early and full of intractable amounts of ice. And this morning it’s minus 17.

      • js 23:30 on 2019-03-07 Permalink

        It’s really been a hell of a winter. I got snow pants early on and WOW do they make a difference. Longjohns are fine and all but with snow pants you don’t even feel like you’re stepping outside on bitterly cold mornings.

    • Kate 08:01 on 2019-03-07 Permalink | Reply  

      This isn’t the first report I’ve seen of techno-exhibitionists flaunting themselves via phone on the metro, especially at anyone with a female-sounding username. This item says you should report occurrences to police, but doesn’t explain that it’s very easy to set AirDrop not to accept files at all, or only from people on your contact list – and that doing so is advisable in public. (CBC reported on this last summer.)

    • Kate 07:45 on 2019-03-07 Permalink | Reply  

      As anyone with a phone and an app could tell you, the STM’s real-time bus-tracking system isn’t reliable. Mine often falls back on giving me the official schedule time even when it’s clear the bus has been held up somewhere.

      • dwgs 08:27 on 2019-03-07 Permalink

        The Transit app has been terrible all winter, either no bus comes when it says that one should or I’m getting on the bus when the app is telling me that there won’t be a bus for another 12 minutes. Or worse, you’re waiting for a bus that is supposed to show in 2 or 3 minutes and all of a sudden the estimated time changes to something like 15 minutes…

      • Kate 09:05 on 2019-03-07 Permalink

        It’s not the app’s fault. It’s that it’s getting faulty data.

      • Meezly 10:34 on 2019-03-07 Permalink

        In my personal experience, the bus-tracking system has been next to useless going to work during rush hour. Can’t imagine bus drivers vigilantly updating their coordinates during busy times. Just wish they wouldn’t take off if they arrive before their scheduled time. Or, if they see a connecting bus arriving, wait a few moments to see if passengers need to connect, instead of blindly taking off like some automaton. Instead of punching in coordinates, I’d rather they be aware of how they can help commuters waiting in -17C temp, it would make such a difference.

      • Alex 11:00 on 2019-03-07 Permalink

        The Bus’ position is updated automatically Via GPS so the driver doesn’t have to punch in coordinates. I think most of the time its just not switched on. You can help others using the transit app by using the ‘Go’ functionality, that way you transmit the bus’ position to others waiting for the bus using your GPS (and a small amount of your data plan).

      • CE 11:23 on 2019-03-07 Permalink

        For me, the Transit app has been amazing. The GPS function is usually working and if not, it just reverts to the schedule which I would have had to use anyway if the buses didn’t have GPS. It hasn’t been perfect but it’s been great for seeing when buses are behind schedule or if they’re having to take a detour. I use the bus every day and my experience is much, much better than it was in the past.

      • Meezly 11:31 on 2019-03-07 Permalink

        Ah, then the only human error is not switching GPS on.. So that is what ‘GO’ is for. Sure, I’ll try to use it for the betterment of society 🙂

      • Kate 11:39 on 2019-03-07 Permalink

        and a small amount of your data plan

        And a bit of your battery life, too, if I’m not mistaken.

      • CE 11:47 on 2019-03-07 Permalink

        I use GO for almost all of my trips and haven’t found that it uses much battery or data (I only have 2gb/month and have never gone over).

      • Faiz Imam 14:51 on 2019-03-07 Permalink

        Transit has been unreliable for me, but It’s never been much of an issue because they did they really cool thing of including how long ago the previous update was in the corner of the icon. It’s usually under 2 minutes, which gives me a pretty good idea of where the bus actually is.

        A few times it said >6 mins, which is basically useless. But that information means I’m never relying on it when its faulty.

      • Ian 14:00 on 2019-03-08 Permalink

        Transit may not be 100% but it’s definitely the best out there. There’s a reason the STM stopped work on their app.

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